LOGFIX.VBS is a VBScript script/program, so you have to have Windows 
Scripting Host installed. (It's installed by default when you install 
IIS4, as far as I can remember, so a .VBS script may be a better option 
than a perl script for people who aren't comfortable with installing 
perl on their server (or who aren't allowed, in some cases), and who 
aren't in that much of a hurry :-). The brief documentation is included 
in comments within the script.

It works by reading each line in the specified log file, calculating the 
Date from any #Date: fields it finds, and incrementing it's date counter 
when the timestamp in a log entry is earlier than the previous entry 
(for example, if the previous line has a time stamp of 22:45, and the 
current entry says 12:34, it knows that the Date should be incremented). 
Any #Field: entries have Date added, if it's not already there, and 
individual log entries have the calculated date inserted (if it's not 
already there). 

To use the script, you just specify the date part of the Log file name 
(eg 9909), and LOGFIX.VBS opens EX<date>.LOG and creates a new logfile 
AN<date>.log. (The original log is not modified in any way, in case 
there are any problems, so make sure you have enough disk space for a 
duplicate log). LOGFIX.VBS will happily work for daily, weekly or 
monthly logs, though if your logfile is small, and there any days that 
don't have any hits at all, obviously LOGFIX can't calculate the correct 
date for subsequent entries.


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Problem with host report
Author:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] at Internet
Date:    9/21/99 2:48 AM

----- Original Message -----
From: Aengus Lawlor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 20, 1999 4:34 PM
Subject: Re: [analog-help] Problem with host report

> >Which format is the most convenient to use: Microsoft IIS, NCSA, ODBC or 
> >W3C?
> W3C. ODBC isn't a logging format, it's a destination. You can log your 
> IIS, NCSA or W3C logs to a file or to an ODBC datasource.
> One caveat with W3C logging - you must turn on the Date field. IIS leaves 
> it off by default, and Analog requires it. There are some tools on the
> Helper Applications page
> (http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/helpers.html) that will "fix" 
> old W3C log files that don't have the date field.

Thanks for a very good answer!

How do I install the program logfix.vbs on my NT-server, and how do I use 
it? There are no documentation.

We are logging monthly, does logfix.vbs handle this?

Kenneth Pedersen

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