Stephen Turner wrote:

>On Thu, 28 Oct 1999, Aengus Lawlor wrote:
>> I think the question is "If someone clicks on a link in an e-mail 
>> message, what does the web server record as the referrer field in 
>> the log file for that hit?"
>> I've been meaning to check this out myself for a while, and haven't 
>> had time to do it, but I assume the referrer field is blank.
>Oh, I see. It's a good question. I would guess blank, but it 
>could conceivably be file: or some made up mail: thing. It might 
>depend on the mail program used.
>Can someone test this, because my mail program won't follow links.

Outlook Express (versions 4 and 5) seem to use the URL itself as the 
referrer (technically incorrect, but if you don't have any self-linking 
pages, it's a useful sleight of hand for indicating links from e-mail). 
Netscape 3.03 doesn't seem to set a referer at all.

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