Kevin Hemenway wrote:

>My problem is thus: I see sites (line Analog's) that have usage stats from 
>1994 to the year 2000. And my question is: how is that possible? Questions 
>running through my head:
>a) They can't keep the log files right? That'd be crazy?

Depends on how busy your site is. If you get 10MB of logs per day, you 
can easily store 5 years of uncompressed log files on a $200 hard drive. 
With compression, you could probably increase that by a factor of 5-10. 
(How much memory you'd need to analyse this, though, I have no idea - 
I've run a couple of reports on about 3G of log files on a system with 
250Mg of RAM).

>b) Is it done with cache files? Cache files from 1994 to the year 2000?

It could be, though you loose some detail with cache files, of course. 
In many cases, this loss of detail doesn't really matter, especially for 
data that's 3 years old.

>c) How does Analog, in March of 2000, know about the reports from 1994, to 
>generate a new monthly report with info from 1994 to the year 2000?

?? How does Analog know about anything? You tell it where to find the 
information. You can tell Analog to include as many logfiles in a single run 
as you want. You can say 

LOGFILE 1998*.LOG 1999*.LOG 2000*.LOG  

if you want

>d) Does it have anything to do with OUTPUT COMPUTER? 

No. Read docs/cache.html

>And if it does, does that mean that Analog would have to be run twice for 
>each config file? One to generate the COMPUTER file (this COMPUTER file - 
>how would it remember all the other reports from 1994 onward? or does it?), 
>and the one to analyze the COMPUTER file and report everything?

Analog will create an output file and a cache file at the same time, if you 
tell it to. But HTML and COMPUTER are two different OUTPUT types, so you can 
only get one of them per run. CACHE isn't an OUTPUT type.

>As you can see, I have no clue. And I'm adverse to installing it until I can 
>see it working on paper. 

You'd have had it installed, and run some sample reports in the time it took 
you to write this note.....

>Basically, this is what I want:
>a) Reports generated every week.
>b) A monthly report.
>c) An overall report.

Nothin' to it...

>We've got about 120 virtual domains that would all follow one format (with 
>separate reports for each virt.) and then one guy (me) whose annoying and 
>likes to tweak everything to death.

The number of different ways you can tweak Analog reports is absolutely 
stunning. Should keep you satisfied for quite some time!

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