>Recently I have downloaded the analog 4.11 and installed it on my 
>WindowsNT server. It runs great! I want to make analog collect 
>statistic automatically on specific time. Looks like webloganalysis.pl 
>is supposed to do this however, I can not figure out how to make it 
>work. I did played with a script little bit but without any luck. I 
>would appreciate if somebody could share their ideas with me to make 
>this script work. 
>I am pretty new to PERL and understand little bits of PERL. 

You don't need to use perl to do scheduling on NT. You can schedule a 
job to run using the AT command, and, depending on how complex your 
requirements are, a simple 3 line batch file may be sufficient.

CD /D x:\folder\Analog
for /f "tokens=2,3 delims=/ " %%f in ('date /t') do set today=%%f%%g
ANALOG y:\folder\ex00%today%.log

(You can make it much more complex than this if you want, but this will 
run Analog against the IIS log file with todays date. It works well for 
sites west of GMT, where the log file rotates before the end of the day, 
but you might have to make it a bit more complex for locations east of 
GMT, where you need to use yesterdays date).

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