
> Use FILEALIAS. Something like this should do:
> FILEALIAS /?ct=*&sh=* /category/$2
> FILEALIAS /action=*& /$1
> FILEALIAS /action=* /$1

That certianly updated my request report, I see this:

18,668: 96.60%:  6/May/02 17:50: /index.cfm
    20:  0.10%:  6/May/02 14:59:   /index.cfm?ct=468933
    15:  0.08%:  6/May/02 14:54:   /index.cfm?ct=468927
    12:  0.05%:  6/May/02 17:57:   /index.cfm?ct=12&sh=update&sc=1
    12:  0.05%:  6/May/02 17:57:   /index.cfm?ct=12&sh=friend&sc=1
    10:  0.06%:  5/May/02 13:23:   /index.cfm?ty=image
    10:  0.06%:  5/May/02 13:23:   /index.cfm?ty=page
    10:  0.06%:  5/May/02 13:23:   /index.cfm?ty=store

I was wondering if I can GROUP those enteries like this:

all of index.cfm?ct=* should be grouped together into something like
"category browsing"
all of index.cfm?ct=*sh=update* should be grouped into: "category update"
all of index.cfm?ct=*sh=friend* should be grouped into: "category friend"

is it possible?


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