OK, there are lots of things here, but the first important thing to
say is that logfile analysis and page tagging will never match up.
They use fundamentally different techniques, and each makes errors
that the other is not susceptible to. For page views you would
normally expect to see the logfile analysis numbers lower, because
page tagging will see the page again if the visitor returns to it, but
logfile analysis won't.

You do have too many corrupt lines. If you turn debugging on, you will
see all the corrupt lines, and where in the line they were corrupt.

It looks like you have about 100,000 of these strange ".s=tl" lines,
right? Page tagging may be including them as pages, depending what
they really are and whether they are tagged, so it may be worth
tracking them down in the logfiles.

Sorry, no great insights, but at least that might give you some
avenues to look down.

Stephen Turner
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