
is there some documentation / further reading available on the machine
ranking used for Wikipedia? This sounds very interesting!

And can you elaborate on how the aggregated search queries are PII?

Thank you!

Georg Sorst <> schrieb am Mo., 5. März 2018 um
20:31 Uhr:

> Hi all,
> sorry for this messy post - I forgot to subscribe to the list so I can't
> directly reply to your responses.
> Nuria:
> > Datasets do not include simple wiki, there are calculated for a few wikis
> some or which are not very large so you might be able to use them.
> Is the raw data available? Can I compute the clickstream myself?
> Erik:
> > This is actually how our production search ranking is built for around
> the
> top 20 sites by search volume that we host. Simple wikipedia isn't one of
> those we currently use machine ranking for though.
> Awesome! Is there more info available somewhere? Algorithms used etc.
> maybe even source code?
> > Because of that we do have the data you need, but the problem will be
> that the actual search
> queries are considered PII (Personally Identifiable Information) and not
> something I can release publicly. It may be possible to release aggregated
> data sets that don't include the actual search terms, but at that point I
> don't think the data will be useful to you anymore.
> I think I'm fine with query-document pairs. Isn't that sufficiently
> aggregated to not be considered PII?
> Thank you!
> Georg
> Georg Sorst <> schrieb am Mi., 28. Feb. 2018 um
> 12:17 Uhr:
>> Hi list,
>> as part of a lecture on Information Retrieval I am giving we work a lot
>> with Simple Wikipedia articles. It's a great data set because it's
>> comprehensive and not domain specific so when building search on top of it
>> humans can easily judge result quality, and it's still small enough to be
>> handled by a regular computer.
>> This year I want to cover the topic of Machine Learning for search. The
>> idea is to look at result clicks from an internal search search engine,
>> feed that into the Machine Learning and adjust search accordingly so that
>> the top-clicked results actually rank best. We will be using Solr LTR for
>> this purpose.
>> I would love to base this on Simple Wikipedia data since it would fit
>> well into the rest of the lecture. Unfortunately, I could not find that
>> data. The closest I came is
>> but this
>> covers neither Simple Wikipedia nor does it specify internal search queries.
>> Did I miss something? Is this data available somewhere? Can I produce it
>> myself from raw data? Ideally I would need (query-document) pairs with the
>> number of occurrences.
>> Thank you!
>> Georg
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