I think I understand your frustration....  I came from VisStudio and
before that it was mostly embedded systems and UNIX.

The android "environment" (somewhat like Java itself) tries to be a
lot of things to a lot of people -- remember the "write once, run
many" pronouncement of years gone by? You can even (so I've been told)
can code in VS and then using the binary interface compile and build
your Android pkg. Not for the faint of heart though.

But let me make this suggestion. If you go to the Android SDK site,
read the basic material regarding android development, read the simple
HELLO world example(s) using Eclipse, then following that lead and
download Eclipse, "attaching to" the SDK itself, and creating at least
one target "DEVICE"; ---- that is to say ---  doing exactly as the
docs suggest ... You Will Succeed.

The bad news is that the Eclipse and Android SDK do not spoon feed you
(as the VS comes close to doing) *but* it does make logical sense and
you can create an app and run (and DEBUG) it on the Eclipse/Android-

Perhaps if you are still having trouble you can re-view each step, and
send in questions at each phase? It may seem quite a bit less
daunting. You should also apply some critical thinking to each step
your stuck at...   e.g. I found that I had to change the PORT number
from the DEFAULT when trying to DEBUG my first app. The Android Hello
World doc indicated that the debugger would try to attach via PORT #
x, but my Mac-version documentation for the (binary)debugger suggested
a different PORT # y --- and viola'  it finally connected!

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