I can't tell from your description exactly how you're trying to set
the option, but here's what worked for me:

If you’re having trouble getting Gestures Builder in the emulator to
accept a multi-stroke
gesture, you can create your own version of Gestures Builder and
modify the default
value of FadeOffset. GestureBuilder is provided as a sample
application under your
Android SDK directory, in platforms/android-2.0/samples/
GestureBuilder. You can
create a new Android project in Eclipse using the “Create project from
existing sample”
option and choosing GestureBuilder from the drop-down menu. Then go
into the
project’s /res/layout/create_gesture.xml file and add the attribute
android:fadeOffset="1000" to the GestureOverlayView element. This will
FadeOffset to 1 second (1000 milliseconds). You are free to choose a
different value if
you wish.

- dave

On Mar 9, 12:45 am, Tim <che...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there a way to slow down gesture builder?
> I tried overriding the fadeXXX options of GestureOverlayView but no luck.
> My problem right now is that I'm trying to input a gesture with a lot of
> strokes.
> But the timeout is too short to get them all inputed.
> If I'm quick enough I can get 2 strokes in but as soon as I try a 3rd, the
> first 2 will disappear.

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