> Inside a view, apparently we can't get a reference to the Activity
> that contains us (the view), and even if there is a way to get the
> reference, we can't probably call it directly, due to UI threading
> issues.

You do have access to the Activity. It's actually the Context that
gets passed into the view constructor. You'll just have to cast it to

> How do we get the reference to the Handler defined inside our
> Activity, to be able to call myHandler.sendMessage(...) ?

You mean within your view class, you want access to the handler? I
don't see how you'd need it. I might be wrong, but you should already
be in the UI thread so a handler shouldn't be needed.

On Apr 7, 10:54 pm, Rui Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Another Example:
> How do we call our activity finish method, from our activity view
> class ?
> Inside  an Activity context, we can just call finish();
> Inside a view, apparently we can't get a reference to the Activity
> that contains us (the view), and even if there is a way to get the
> reference, we can't probably call it directly, due to UI threading
> issues.
> So, do we send a message ? How ?
> How do we get the reference to the Handler defined inside our
> Activity, to be able to call myHandler.sendMessage(...) ?
> I think the UI handling code is complex and cumbersome to work with.
> I agree that probably should use messaging, since this helps to
> decouple the several application parts, but the current API, is not
> very helpful, in making the common message usage simple.
> Any help on this would be great too.
> Thanks
> On 8 abr, 06:22, Rui Martins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been programming for android since January, and I must say,
> > that I still don't get how the communication between Views and
> > Activities is accomplished successfully.
> > The whole design on this communication is "fuzzy" at least for me.
> > NOTE: using M3 currenlty.
> > Examples:
> >   Activities can have menus, creating when onCreateOptionsMenu( Menu
> > menu ) is called
> >   Later we can get the menu selection by implementing
> > onOptionsItemSelected( Menu.Item item ).
> >   So, inside and Activity, we have access to user actions/input in the
> > form of a menu, and hence we   can react to it, for example, by
> > launching another activity (typical usage).
> > This works, because we are in the context of the activity.
> > NOTE: This is what I'm using now, so that I could keep on developing
> > until I find a solution to my problem (next).
> > Now if, you look at the View object, it's the only one to have user
> > input handlers, like:
> > onMotionEvent( MotionEvent event ) ( or onTouchEvent for M5), and
> > onKeyDown( int keyCode, KeyEvent event ) !
> > An Activity doesn't have those !
> > So, how can we handle user input, and react accordingly ?
> > If we call intent.startActivity() from within a View , we get an
> > "Application Error", with the following description:
> > "An error has occurred in process XXX
> > calling startActivity() from outside of an Activity context requires
> > the NEW_TASK_LAUNCH flag.
> > is this really what you want ?"
> > The explanation, stating that a flag is required is fine !
> > But how am I to know the answer to the question ? ("is this really
> > what you want ?")
> >http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/content/Intent.html#...
> > If I force the Flag, I will enter into further configuration problems
> > or limitations, due to how we MUST setup the Activity launchMode
> > (http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/
> > R.attr.html#launchMode)
> > Which means, that I will have several simultaneous tasks for every
> > menu option, which is not what was wanted. I can possibly set my
> > lauchMode to "singleTask", but "is this really what I want ?"
> > I'm just trying to do a simple common thing, react to user input by
> > launching a specific "sub" activity of the application, like in a menu
> > kind of way.
> > I know that there is the concept of subActivity in M5, that probably
> > helps (not sure though), but this should be easy to do, even in M3 and
> > apparently it's not !
> > Either I'm missing something, or I haven't still got it, how this is
> > supposed to work.
> > And having Documentation only for M5 stuff, doesn't help much either.
> > Enlightnment on this subject and the View/Activity communcation/user
> > input duality would be real nice.
> > I needed this to work to finish my Contest entry! :(
> > Or else I have to keep using the general Menu, instead of my game
> > Menu, which doesn't quite cut it  for a game application.
> > NOTE:
> > I'm trying NOT to break the rest of my app, by Porting the remaining
> > stuff to M5.
> > I have an early version that I had ported to M5, but I went back due
> > to some stuff not working on M5, so not really an option.
> > I also don't expect a new SDK Release now so close to the contest
> > deadline, which could fix a lot of things, but could also bring a
> > whole lot of new bugs too.
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