viktor wrote:
> Which of the following is correct?
> 1. The phone does not have Bluetooth hardware.
> 2. The phone has disabled Bluetooth hardware that can be enabled with
> a future SDK update.
> 3. The phone has Bluetooth hardware and supports basic Bluetooth
> features such as pairing and RFCOMM.

Arguably, none of the above, because there is no such thing as "*the* 
phone" (emphasis mine).

Android will most likely be used on a wide range of devices. These will 
likely support various sets of Bluetooth profiles, no different than any 
other phones made today.

Many Bluetooth functions would likely work beneath the level of Android 
applications, no different than with other smartphone operating systems. 
For example, you don't have to be running some downloaded magical 
Windows Mobile application to use the handsfree profile -- that's 
handled solely by hardware and Windows Mobile itself.

Given all that, *my* questions are:

-- Which Bluetooth profiles will the Android OS handle on its own (given 
hardware support for said profile)?

-- What means do developers have for adding support for other Bluetooth 
profiles not handled directly by the Android OS? If the answer is "not 
at the application level, only by modifying the core Android OS", would 
you consider addressing this scenario when writing up the documentation 
for how the community can contribute back to Android, once it goes open 

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.1 Published!

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