于慧娟 wrote:
> "it doesn't work" I mean when I run my new code ,the home screen doesn't
> show as I want. It shows as the old.

Regarding "It shows as the old":

-- if by "old" you mean the home screen is still the one that shipped
with the emulator, I think you have to each Android to use an
alternative home screen:


-- if by "old" you mean you built the sample home screen, ran it, made
changes, uploaded the changes, and the changes are not visible, you may
have to kill off the old home screen process, or shut down and restart
the emulator (see Romain Guy's post in the thread linked to above)

If neither of those matches your problem, can you provide more details?

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 1.1 Published!

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