
If you want an alert that looks like a dialog, you can use
andoid:theme="@android:style/Theme.Dialog" in your manifest.  There is
an example in API demos for doing this.

If you are specifically looking for the functionality of AlertDialog
in an activity, unfortunately for 1.0 we are not going to have time to
implement this.

On Aug 22, 9:36 am, webmonkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> How do I create a dialog activity that looks exactly the same as when
> you build a dialog with the AlertDialog class, including the buttons
> panel at the bottom.
> Basically, I want the same sort of activity that you get when you add
> a Bookmark in the Browser app.
> I checked the APIDemos > Activity > Dialog sample but it is missing
> the panel with the buttons.
> Thanks
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