Any such restrictions expected from Google? Can anyone from Google comment
what developers should expect in terms of what will not be allowed or



If you are thinking of writing applications for the iPhone, you might want
to read this story first. The *New York Times* has a report on an Alex
Sokirynsky, who spent two months working nights and weekends to write an
application that was eventually rejected for its web store. The reason: The
"Podcaster" application that he wrote, which allows users to listen to and
watch Podcasts on their iPhones, "duplicates the functionality of the
Podcast section of iTunes." This is strange on two fronts: first, this
software has other features, one of which other than allows users to stream
podcasts so they can also download them first for listening
later. Second, there already are all sorts of applications that duplicate
various aspects of its own software.

For more about this article:
- check out the *New York Times*

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