And as far as I know, Apple isn't saying that applications provisioned in
their portal must insure that if Apple/AT&T hosts a piece of content
(ring-tone), it must be downloaded from their approved storefront, as
opposed to some external site. From a practical matter, there is just no way
that the client developer can know whether all content hosted at external
site X doesn't have any duplications on the carrier storefront. It's a
stupid requirement.


On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 10:25 AM, Shane Isbell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> T-Mobile has already published some restrictions on their dev portal, no
> pornographic applications.
> Another one that affects slideme: "Storefront: An application using a link
> to provide an opportunity to buy or to purchase content being published on
> T-Mobile's delivery platform (currently mPower) must point to a 
> T-Mobileapproved storefront.":http://developer.
> <>
> So we couldn't provisioning the SAM client in the T-Mobile portal. It also
> means if you want to sell ring-tones, mp3's etc, you are out of luck, you
> can't get it into the T-Mobile portal. Pretty much the whole e-commerce for
> mobile content angle is locked out. And yes, I know that T-Mobile has a
> bunch of business reasons for doing so. I don't care to hear them.
> Shane
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2008 at 9:43 AM, george_c <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Any such restrictions expected from Google? Can anyone from Google comment
>> what developers should expect in terms of what will not be allowed or
>> restricted?
>> George
>> ---
>> If you are thinking of writing applications for the iPhone, you might want
>> to read this story first. The *New York Times* has a report on an Alex
>> Sokirynsky, who spent two months working nights and weekends to write an
>> application that was eventually rejected for its web store. The reason: The
>> "Podcaster" application that he wrote, which allows users to listen to and
>> watch Podcasts on their iPhones, "duplicates the functionality of the
>> Podcast section of iTunes." This is strange on two fronts: first, this
>> software has other features, one of which other than allows users to stream
>> podcasts so they can also download them first for listening
>> later. Second, there already are all sorts of applications that duplicate
>> various aspects of its own software.
>> For more about this article:
>> - check out the *New York Times* 
>> blog<>
>> >>

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