- why does the log not show the alarm intent being FIRED?
- why does the stock alarm suffer from the same problem?

Of course I hold my own wake lock as soon as I receive the alarm
intent. But the intent never gets fired (on some devices, in some

Here's an example one of my users sent me:
The alarm is set for 08:45.
The user stopped using the device at 02:15.
There are some log entries until 02:54, then NOTHING until 11:46 when
the screen is turned on.
The log entry of the alarm intent being received happens at
11:46:45.319. This is is the first line in my OnReceive.

Several users have sent me something like this (I can provide a more
complete log) and they all have the same last lines, i.e. wl127x-
rfkill.0/rfkill bla bla which seems to come from a device driver.
After that, the phone goes into "deep sleep" and no alarm intents are
being sent.


03-03 02:31:40.639 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:31:40.663 I/dalvikvm( 2937): Debugger thread not active,
ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=38)

03-03 02:31:40.678 I/dalvikvm( 2937): Debugger thread not active,
ignoring DDM send (t=0x41504e4d l=58)

03-03 02:31:40.749 D/JuiceDefender.Db( 2937): Stats for last 48 hours:

03-03 02:32:48.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:32:48.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:33:57.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:33:57.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:33:57.647 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:35:05.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:35:05.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:36:14.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:36:14.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:36:14.538 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:37:22.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:37:22.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:38:31.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:38:31.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:38:31.546 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:39:39.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:39:39.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:40:47.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:40:47.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:40:47.546 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:41:56.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:41:56.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:41:56.624 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:43:04.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:43:04.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:44:13.522 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:44:13.522 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:44:13.546 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:45:21.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:45:21.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:46:30.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:46:30.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:46:30.538 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:47:38.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:47:38.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:48:47.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:48:47.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:48:47.538 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:49:55.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:49:55.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:49:55.600 W/SingleClientConnManager( 1394): Invalid use of
SingleClientConnManager: connection still allocated.

03-03 02:49:55.600 W/SingleClientConnManager( 1394): Make sure to
release the connection before allocating another one.

03-03 02:51:04.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:51:04.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:51:04.546 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:51:04.616 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:52:12.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:52:12.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:53:21.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:53:21.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 02:53:21.585 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 02:54:29.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 02:54:29.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 11:46:44.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/wl127x-rfkill.0/rfkill/rfkill0

03-03 11:46:44.530 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 11:46:44.577 W/BatteryStatsImpl( 1168): Couldn't get kernel wake
lock stats

03-03 11:46:44.585 I/usbd    ( 1078): process_usb_uevent_message():
buffer = change@/devices/platform/cpcap_battery/power_supply/battery

03-03 11:46:44.585 I/usbd    ( 1078): main(): call select(...)

03-03 11:46:44.592 I/power   ( 1168): *** set_screen_state 1

03-03 11:46:44.600 D/Sensors ( 1168): using sensors (name=sensors)

03-03 11:46:44.624 W/WindowManager( 1168): No focus window, dropping:
KeyEvent{action=0 code=80 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=211 mFlags=9}

03-03 11:46:44.647 D/WindowManager( 1168): I'm tired

03-03 11:46:44.647 D/PowerManagerService( 1168): ignoring user
activity while turning off screen

03-03 11:46:44.647 D/PowerManagerService( 1168): ignoring user
activity while turning off screen

03-03 11:46:44.647 W/WindowManager( 1168): No focus window, dropping:
KeyEvent{action=1 code=80 repeat=0 meta=0 scancode=211 mFlags=8}

03-03 11:46:44.663 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Activity_Nightmode: onResume

03-03 11:46:44.663 E/GentleAlarm( 2898): Activity_Nightmode: register

03-03 11:46:44.663 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm:
loadScheduledAlarmAsCurrent => id=2, type=PRE_ALARM, time=2010.03.03
n. Chr. at 08:45:00, name=mit Vorwecker, playAsTest=false,

03-03 11:46:44.663 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: loadAlarmDetails

03-03 11:46:44.663 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: create

03-03 11:46:44.671 I/power   ( 1168): *** set_screen_state 0

03-03 11:46:44.671 D/Sensors ( 1168): using accelerometer

03-03 11:46:44.678 W/UsageStats( 1168): Failed to persist new stats

03-03 11:46:44.788 W/SSM     ( 1065): no ack

03-03 11:46:44.850 W/Service ( 2404): setForeground: ignoring old API
call on com.wsandroid.Core.BaseService

03-03 11:46:44.905 D/TmWidgetProvider( 1387): Screen On, start to
update views

03-03 11:46:44.928 D/ThumbnailIntentReceiver( 1568): received Intent
android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON, mGalleryRunning is false

03-03 11:46:44.952 W/SSM     ( 1065): no ack

03-03 11:46:45.085 D/SurfaceFlinger( 1168): Screen about to return,
flinger = 0x1494c8

03-03 11:46:45.108 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: close

03-03 11:46:45.124 D/TmWidgetProvider( 1387): updateAppWidget

03-03 11:46:45.163 D/SurfaceFlinger( 1168): About to give-up screen,
flinger = 0x1494c8

03-03 11:46:45.178 W/ActivityManager( 1168): Activity pause timeout
for HistoryRecord{4514b1b0

03-03 11:46:45.194 D/dalvikvm( 2898): GC freed 16831 objects / 846152
bytes in 74ms

03-03 11:46:45.194 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Activity_Nightmode: onPause
03-03 11:46:45.194 E/GentleAlarm( 2898): Activity_Nightmode:
unregister runnable

03-03 11:46:45.225 D/TmWidgetProvider( 1387): Screen Off, stop to
update views

03-03 11:46:45.264 D/ThumbnailIntentReceiver( 1568): received Intent
android.intent.action.SCREEN_OFF, mGalleryRunning is false

03-03 11:46:45.319 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Receiver_Alarm: onReceive
2010.03.03 n. Chr. at 11:46:45

03-03 11:46:45.319 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: constructor

03-03 11:46:45.319 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: reset

03-03 11:46:45.327 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm:
loadScheduledAlarmAsCurrent => id=2, type=PRE_ALARM, time=2010.03.03
n. Chr. at 08:45:00, name=mit Vorwecker, playAsTest=false,

03-03 11:46:45.327 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: loadAlarmDetails

03-03 11:46:45.327 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: create

03-03 11:46:45.428 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: close

03-03 11:46:45.428 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Util: setAwakeBtn=1

03-03 11:46:45.444 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: scheduleNextAlarm

03-03 11:46:45.444 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm:
isSnoozeOrSafeAlarmScheduled no

03-03 11:46:45.444 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: create

03-03 11:46:45.452 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: close

03-03 11:46:45.467 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: scheduleAlarm _id = 2,
type = PRE_ALARM

03-03 11:46:45.467 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: create

03-03 11:46:45.491 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: scheduleAlarm setting
alarm to 2010.03.04 n. Chr. at 08:45:00

03-03 11:46:45.514 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Alarm: storeScheduledAlarm =>
id=2, type=PRE_ALARM, time=2010.03.04 n. Chr. at 08:45:00, name=mit
Vorwecker, playAsTest=false, played=false

03-03 11:46:45.561 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): UtilDateFomat: is24=yes,

03-03 11:46:45.655 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): DbAdapter: close

03-03 11:46:45.663 D/GentleAlarm( 2898): Receiver_Alarm: alarm expired
- 2010.03.03 n. Chr. at 08:45:00 -> scheduling next alarm

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