How do I find out how much memory my openGL application is using at
any given moment, including sounds, textures, and everything else?
I've been wrestling with DDMS for hours and all it seems to show me is
basic object allocation counts.  I must be missing something, but I
haven't had any luck searching.

I've got an otherwise operational beta Android game which crashes out
after a while on my device (Droid X).  I'm fairly sure my problem is
that my textures are not being properly cleared from memory.  I'd like
to confirm this fact before I start blindly making changes.   My game
does fairly frequent level transitions.  During these transitions I
typically dump a texture file, wait a bit, then load a new one.

Over time the application performance degrades.  After 10 or so
transitions frame rate starts to take a nose dive.  10 or so more and
it usually dies.  Prior to dying I see log messages like this:
08-23 12:26:58.038: DEBUG/Cursor(1265): fillWindow is not executed
because Cursor object is closed.
08-23 12:27:27.186: INFO/ActivityManager(1239): Low Memory: No more
background processes.

And then eventually:
08-23 12:27:46.952: INFO/ActivityManager(1239): Process
com.thup.lunchbox (pid 4927) has died.

There are no specific error messages of any sort.  I've got lots of
ideas for things to try to fix this (e,g, glDeleteTextures), but I
really want a way to measure before I start trying to fix.

Any help/pointers would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance!

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