Yes, a static class, not a static variable - in my workaround (I
wouldn't really call it a solution) my state object and its parent did
not share state, but they both have the information to set the other's

On Nov 6, 9:54 pm, Mark Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hackbod wrote:
> > A static variable is almost certainly not going to do what you want --
> > one of the big reasons for all of this is to be able to restore state
> > if the process is killed, and if you are putting stuff in a static
> > variable then that will all go away with the process when it is
> > killed.
> Actually, he said an "inner static Parcelable class", not a static
> variable. He's using it as the response from the Activity
> onSaveInstanceState(), holding his View's state inside it, if I
> understand his solution correctly.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android Training on the Ranch! -- Mar 16-20, 
> 2009
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