Well, You get the content Uri, query the MediaStore content provider
with this Uri, and you will get the absolute path to the image from
the column called "data". Do whatever you want with this.

But, this doesn't seem to work on all platform releases, especially,
the behaviour is different on devices lower than and 1.6 and later.

The Android bug tracker has a long running bug regarding this.

If you are tagetting devices with 1.6 or before, you probably have to
find something else.

-Kumar Bibek

On Sep 15, 2:46 am, Frank Weiss <fewe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> OK, the secret sauce was to use the ContentResolver. In this case the code
> is:
> Uri streamUri = theIntent.getParcelableExtra(Intent.*EXTRA_STREAM*);
> *if* (streamUri != *null*) {
> ContentResolver cr = getContentResolver();
> InputStream is;
> *try* {
> is = cr.openInputStream(streamUri);
> bitmap = BitmapFactory.*decodeStream*(is);
> } *catch* (FileNotFoundException e) {
> // *TODO* Auto-generated catch block
> e.printStackTrace();
> }
> }

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