use holder pattern,  look for google I//O, even better if use cache

On 11월16일, 오전11시08분, Bret Foreman <> wrote:
> I have a custom layout with a lot of Views. Currently, I build the
> entire view hierarchy in the onCreate, though I stream the actual work
> in small batches. This works OK up to about 1000 Views and then
> performance degrades a little. Obviously, I'd like to use the
> ListAdapter pattern and only generate the parts of the View hierarchy
> that are visible on the screen.
> My parent View, however, is not (and cannot be) any of the existing
> ListView types. My question, then, is how do the ListView types
> interact with a ListAdapter to limit the number of Views necessary to
> represent a big list? More broadly, is there a pattern out there for
> extending a LinearLayout to create special ListViews?

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