You could stick a try/catch block in, but I doubt it would catch *most* of 
the bugs. Remember that your request for a track simply gets added to the 
database at that point and then some time later the dispatcher picks 
requests up from the database and sends them (although if you ask it to 
dispatch immediately you might catch them, but due to the use of handlers, I 
still doubt it). So your try/catch in your code would only catch errors from 
the first part and not the second.

>From the ACRA reporting in my app for the previous release of the analytics, 
the vast majority of my errors were coming from the latter part of the 
process where it was trying to read back from the database or failed during 
the sending part or failed when removing entries from the database.

The analytics team did state they fixed a load of bugs in this latest 
release. I don't know if it's against the rules or not, but I decompiled the 
latest release and built it natively into my app and that allowed me to 
stick in a sprinkling of my own try/catch clauses around spots that I 
thought looked tetchy. I haven't released this yet..

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