No camera.

List of possibly unusual things:
- disabling keyguard
- holding wakelock
- transparent background theme
- manipulation of screen brightness
- media player
- various intents sent to other apps upon closing so that apps
manipulating the lockscreen can resume their beastly work

However, the log file written by my app to a file shows that all these
activities ended. The media player stopped, the keyguard was
reenabled, the wakelock was released.

Maybe that last point about intents warrants further clarification:
Some apps manipulate the lock screen, e.g. replacing it with emergency
info or disabling the lockscreen. These apps tend to cause problems
when I disable the keyguard and the developers have acknowledged these
problems. To counter them, they introduces various open intents to
temporarily disable their apps while I disable the keyguard. When I
reenable the keyguard, I tell these apps to resume whatever they do.
As this would happen right after my app shuts down, this will be one
of my first targets for further investigation.

My app is an alarm clock, known as Gentle Alarm.

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