Agree with everything you said TreKing.  While I really appreciate the
effort Dianne shows towards this list, I wish there were more Android
developers putting the same effort out in other areas of the Android
ecosystem.  Having such insight into the Market would be a very welcome

Chris Stewart

On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 9:52 AM, TreKing <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:12 AM, Dianne Hackborn <>
>  wrote:
> Do I not count as a response from Google?
> Of course! Probably more so than most. However, you didn't respond to the
> thread I linked to, so my statement still stands.
>> Oh you mean a response answering question about Market?  As I said there,
>> nobody from the Market team is on this list, so you shouldn't be surprised
>> by not getting responses to questions that people on this list can't answer.
> Oh, I think you mean this thread, concerning being banned from the Market:
> Of course you are correct - this forum is not about the Market and, as you
> posted, questions should go to the Market Support Forum.
> Fair enough. So let's take a look over there, shall we?
> Here is the same question about the in-app billing not working:
> And here is the same question about the content policy that you told the OP
> to post in the support forum:
> Now let's count the total number of responses from Google. Zero. In fact,
> the only response to either question is from yours truly telling the poster
> that no one is going to respond to them. Even sadder, my responses are "the
> best answer". Unfortunately, I continue to be correct.
> See, the problem is that people go to the "official support" forum looking
> for help and they get ignored. Then they move over into other
> Android-related forums hoping to get answers. Unfortunately, they are either
> ignored again or are re-directed back to the "appropriate" forum where they
> were ignored to begin with.
> It is *beyond* frustrating.
>> The people here work on the platform, not on Market.  We can't talk about
>> what Market is doing.
>> I believe all of the people who posted here have posted to other lists.
>>  Some of them are more likely to post to the open source lists, etc.
> Understood. I meant no offense to any of you and I'm sure the other two
> that I personally have not seen around here before help out elsewhere that
> I'm not aware of.
> My point is simply this: getting actual support or answers for legitimate
> issues relating to the Android Market is nigh impossible - regardless of the
> channel one goes through. Meanwhile a thread with the threat of being
> spammed gets the attention of 4 Googlers. Pathetically, this thread has
> received more Google attention than anything in the Market Support forum,
> whether the responders have anything to do with the Market or not.
> And *that* is what I find so very sad about this situation.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> TreKing <> - Chicago
> transit tracking app for Android-powered devices
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