Ow and something important: i stopped my app, but now the whole system
becomes instable, screens do not show anymore.. i logcatted it.. and
look at it below. It looks like my app made the whole system unstable.

I am going to reboot my phone now...

03-04 00:04:51.468: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.468: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54ebb0:
746.25 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.468: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480) x   84 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.468: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x585000:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:04:51.468: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x488ed0), index=0, w=800, h=718 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:04:51.468: ERROR/Surface(155): Surface (identity=4)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:04:51.468: ERROR/Surface(155): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:04:51.468: ERROR/Surface(155): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:04:51.498: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 442,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x50fd30:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54ebb0:
746.25 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480) x   84 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:51.498: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x585000:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=800, h=442 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2589)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:04:51.498: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
03-04 00:04:51.568: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 136K, 44%
free 3723K/6599K, external 11448K/13154K, paused 90ms
03-04 00:04:51.628: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 73K, 45%
free 3649K/6599K, external 11385K/13154K, paused 45ms
03-04 00:04:51.678: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 260K, 49%
free 3390K/6599K, external 9353K/11401K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:04:51.728: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 10K, 49%
free 3383K/6599K, external 9353K/11401K, paused 37ms
03-04 00:04:52.068: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:04:52.158: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed
180K, 46% free 3569K/6599K, external 11393K/11401K, paused 49ms
03-04 00:04:52.648: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 20K, 47%
free 3555K/6599K, external 12134K/13339K, paused 59ms
03-04 00:04:52.848: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 293K, 48%
free 3455K/6599K, external 10081K/11153K, paused 41ms
03-04 00:04:52.898: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 18K, 48%
free 3457K/6599K, external 9215K/11153K, paused 35ms
03-04 00:04:52.978: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 92K, 48%
free 3458K/6599K, external 8937K/10875K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:04:52.978: WARN/AppWidgetHostView(17337): can't inflate
defaultView because mInfo is missing
03-04 00:04:53.018: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 2K, 48%
free 3458K/6599K, external 8771K/10819K, paused 38ms
03-04 00:04:53.098: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 69K, 48%
free 3468K/6599K, external 9075K/10708K, paused 39ms
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:04:53.268: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 442,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x2fab40:
118.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x   38 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4a5e20:
1243.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4c3690:
1500.00 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  480 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:04:53.268: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=800, h=442 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2593)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:53.268: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:04:54.008: DEBUG/dalvikvm(18235): GC_CONCURRENT freed 641K,
52% free 3170K/6471K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 7ms+3ms
03-04 00:04:54.168: DEBUG/dalvikvm(96): GC_EXPLICIT freed 166K, 47%
free 7194K/13383K, external 7142K/7247K, paused 104ms
03-04 00:04:54.798: DEBUG/dalvikvm(18235): GC_CONCURRENT freed 584K,
50% free 3276K/6471K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 2ms+3ms
03-04 00:04:55.488: DEBUG/dalvikvm(18235): GC_CONCURRENT freed 729K,
51% free 3281K/6663K, external 1625K/2137K, paused 7ms+3ms
03-04 00:05:25.948: DEBUG/dalvikvm(18652): Calling exit(1)
03-04 00:05:25.968: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Process
nl.tjerk.weapons3dpro (pid 18652) has died.
03-04 00:05:25.978: DEBUG/Zygote(67): Process 18652 exited cleanly (1)
03-04 00:05:30.158: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:30.198: WARN/InputManagerService(96): Window already
focused, ignoring focus gain of:
03-04 00:05:30.308: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed
79K, 47% free 3548K/6599K, external 10694K/10708K, paused 49ms
03-04 00:05:31.228: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:31.298: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed
244K, 50% free 3310K/6599K, external 10106K/10131K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:31.898: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:05:32.798: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 442,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x2fab40:
118.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x   38 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4a5e20:
1243.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4c3690:
1500.00 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  480 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:32.798: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=800, h=442 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2594)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:32.798: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.218: INFO/WindowManager(96): Setting rotation to 0,
03-04 00:05:34.238: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Config changed:
{ scale=1.0 imsi=204/4 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=3/1 orien=1
layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=97}
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:05:34.328: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(480, 762,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x2fab40:
118.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x   38 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4a5e20:
1243.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4c3690:
1500.00 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  480 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:34.328: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=480, h=762 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2594)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:05:34.328: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.338: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:34.408: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 89K, 51%
free 3239K/6599K, external 7955K/9934K, paused 68ms
03-04 00:05:34.478: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 52%
free 3209K/6599K, external 7586K/9474K, paused 73ms
03-04 00:05:34.518: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 52%
free 3179K/6599K, external 7209K/9003K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:34.568: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 11K, 52%
free 3170K/6599K, external 7209K/9003K, paused 31ms
03-04 00:05:34.928: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 175K, 50%
free 3349K/6599K, external 8674K/9003K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:05:35.078: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 121K, 49%
free 3416K/6599K, external 8541K/9003K, paused 34ms
03-04 00:05:35.138: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 103K, 49%
free 3423K/6599K, external 8541K/9003K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:05:35.208: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 29K, 48%
free 3446K/6599K, external 8651K/9003K, paused 34ms
03-04 00:05:35.208: WARN/AppWidgetHostView(17337): can't inflate
defaultView because mInfo is missing
03-04 00:05:35.248: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 44K, 49%
free 3404K/6599K, external 8651K/9003K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:35.298: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 7K,
49% free 3416K/6599K, external 8997K/9003K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:35.348: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 15K, 48%
free 3465K/6599K, external 9066K/11068K, paused 34ms
03-04 00:05:36.438: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:36.578: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed
91K, 47% free 3521K/6599K, external 11048K/11068K, paused 47ms
03-04 00:05:36.618: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:36.778: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed
12K, 47% free 3515K/6599K, external 13012K/13057K, paused 52ms
03-04 00:05:37.078: DEBUG/dalvikvm(96): GC_EXPLICIT freed 298K, 47%
free 7188K/13383K, external 7142K/7247K, paused 181ms
03-04 00:05:37.888: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Starting: Intent
{ act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.HOME]
flg=0x10200000 cmp=com.fede.launcher/.Launcher } from pid 96
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:05:38.938: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(480, 762,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480) x   84 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x585000:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5cc1c0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:38.938: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5ef3c0:
1346.25 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=480, h=762 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2596)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:38.938: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:38.948: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:39.038: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 9K,
47% free 3516K/6599K, external 13687K/13692K, paused 50ms
03-04 00:05:43.298: INFO/WindowManager(96): Setting rotation to 1,
03-04 00:05:43.318: INFO/ActivityManager(96): Config changed:
{ scale=1.0 imsi=204/4 loc=en_US touch=3 keys=1/1/2 nav=3/1 orien=2
layout=34 uiMode=17 seq=98}
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem (No
such file or directory)
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:05:43.428: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 718,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480) x   84 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x585000:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5cc1c0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.428: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5ef3c0:
1346.25 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x488ed0), index=1, w=800, h=718 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/Surface(155): Surface (identity=4)
requestBuffer(1, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/Surface(155): getBufferLocked(1, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.428: ERROR/Surface(155): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/ViewRoot(155):     at
dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
(Unknown error: 0)
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
03-04 00:05:43.438: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 442,
1, 00000133, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x483160:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  762 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x52cb18:
1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5451f0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x54a788:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5809e8:
157.50 KiB |  480 ( 480) x   84 |        1 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x585000:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5cc1c0:
1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
03-04 00:05:43.438: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x5ef3c0:
1346.25 KiB |  480 ( 480)
03-04 00:05:43.438: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x51e278), index=0, w=800, h=442 failed (Out
of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/Surface(96): Surface (identity=2596)
requestBuffer(0, 0, 0, 0, 00000033) returned a buffer with a null
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/Surface(96): getBufferLocked(0, 0, 0, 0,
00000033) failed (Out of memory)
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/Surface(96): dequeueBuffer failed (Out of
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): OutOfResourcesException
locking surface
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96): android.view.Surface
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
android.view.Surface.lockCanvasNative(Native Method)
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.448: ERROR/ViewRoot(96):     at
03-04 00:05:43.498: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 293K, 52%
free 3231K/6599K, external 7598K/9488K, paused 84ms
03-04 00:05:43.558: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 30K, 52%
free 3200K/6599K, external 7426K/9273K, paused 56ms
03-04 00:05:43.598: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 25K, 52%
free 3175K/6599K, external 7244K/9047K, paused 32ms
03-04 00:05:43.638: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 52%
free 3168K/6599K, external 7244K/9047K, paused 31ms
03-04 00:05:43.968: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 176K, 50%
free 3352K/6599K, external 8674K/9047K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:05:44.118: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 89K, 48%
free 3454K/6599K, external 8529K/9047K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:44.168: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 9K, 48%
free 3465K/6599K, external 8529K/9047K, paused 33ms
03-04 00:05:44.228: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 20K, 48%
free 3481K/6599K, external 8639K/9047K, paused 36ms
03-04 00:05:44.228: WARN/AppWidgetHostView(17337): can't inflate
defaultView because mInfo is missing
03-04 00:05:44.268: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXPLICIT freed 1K, 48%
free 3483K/6599K, external 8639K/9047K, paused 34ms
03-04 00:05:44.328: DEBUG/dalvikvm(17337): GC_EXTERNAL_ALLOC freed 8K,
48% free 3495K/6599K, external 9030K/9047K, paused 33ms

On Mar 3, 11:24 pm, Dianne Hackborn <hack...@android.com> wrote:
> The error isn't main memory, it is surface memory.  There are a *ton* of
> full-screen surfaces currently created.  You can use "adb shell dumpsys
> window" and "adb shell dumpsys SurfaceFlinger" to see more information about
> which windows these go with.
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 2:21 PM, TjerkW <tje...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello all,
> > I created an app which loads heavy 3d models into memory. This app
> > runs fine on pre android 2.3 devices.
> > However i updated my nexus one to Android 2.3, and now the app
> > crashes. I get the error listed below.
> > However this error is not really usefull. What should i do to fix
> > this?
> > "Using less memory" is difficult because i still need to load the 3d
> > model into memory.
> > 03-03 23:18:35.483: INFO/Min3D(17779): Renderer.onSurfaceCreated()
> > 03-03 23:18:35.483: VERBOSE/Min3D(17779): RenderCaps - openGLVersion:
> > 1.1
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: VERBOSE/Min3D(17779): RenderCaps -
> > maxTextureUnits: 2
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: VERBOSE/Min3D(17779): RenderCaps - maxTextureSize:
> > 4096
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: VERBOSE/Min3D(17779): RenderCaps - maxLights: 8
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: INFO/Min3D(17779): Scene.init()
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: VERBOSE/x(17779): ManagedLightList.reset()
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: DEBUG/WeaponDescripitonActivity(17779): initScene
> > 03-03 23:18:35.503: INFO/Min3D(17779): Renderer.onSurfaceChanged()
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
> > available
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem
> > (Unknown error: 0)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
> > memory
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: WARN/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): alloc(800, 480,
> > 1, 00000303, ...) failed -12 (Out of memory)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96): Allocated
> > buffers:
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x3309b0:
> > 1243.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x351288:
> > 544.00 KiB |  520 ( 544) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x3c6a70:
> > 1500.00 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  480 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x3ef848:
> > 1500.00 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  480 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x3f63a0:
> > 1243.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  398 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x40f358:
> > 723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x435788:
> > 750.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        4 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x47d640:
> > 723.75 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  386 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4abf38:
> > 1018.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x  326 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4afd50:
> > 1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4bd290:
> > 118.75 KiB |  800 ( 800) x   38 |        2 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4d6cf0:
> > 486.00 KiB |  375 ( 384) x  324 |        1 | 0x00000303
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x4e0060:
> > 1500.00 KiB |  480 ( 480) x  800 |        2 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x504da0:
> > 448.00 KiB |  432 ( 448) x  256 |        1 | 0x00000133
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: DEBUG/GraphicBufferAllocator(96):   0x506738:
> > 1428.75 KiB |  480 ( 480)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/SurfaceFlinger(96):
> > Layer::requestBuffer(this=0x63d530), index=1, w=800, h=480 failed (Out
> > of memory)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/Surface(17779): Surface (identity=2407)
> > requestBuffer(1, 0, 0, 1, 00000203) returned a buffer with a null
> > handle
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/Surface(17779): getBufferLocked(1, 0, 0, 1,
> > 00000203) failed (Out of memory)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/Adreno200-EGL(17779): egliSwapWindowSurface:
> > unable to dequeue native buffer
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): /dev/pmem: no more pmem
> > available
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): couldn't open pmem (No
> > such file or directory)
> > 03-03 23:18:35.543: ERROR/qsd8k.gralloc(96): gralloc failed err=Out of
> > memory
> > --
> > You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
> > Groups "Android Developers" group.
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> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> hack...@android.com
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.

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