Marc Petit-Huguenin: How did you get one bought (cant find any buy
option, and It would be good if you could point me to a webstore that
sells those secure MicroSD cards) and how much do they cost?

Nikolay: In this case, the security is about singulary. The key should
be copy protected, but it does not need to be use-protected because I
want to be sure, that if I leave the phone on a table, go on toilet,
come back and take it back, I can be sure that nobody has access to my
key, even if they impersonated me in that little brief amount of time
that I was on toilet for example.
Having the key stored in "software" (eg software token or in standard
phone memory), the key is no longer secure, since if I leave my phone
out of sight even for a brief amount of time, its possible that
somebody just copied my key.
If I store the key in software, I would need to have 100 % of sight of
the phone all the times, else the key could be regarded as

In other words, if I have the phone in my hand, I should be
*absolutely* confident in that nobody can authenticate as me.

Another example, I lend my device to my friend for the purpose that my
friend can log in to my account for a brief time. When I then get the
device back from my friend, I want to be sure that my friend doesn't
have a copy of my private key and can log in as me, in case we stop
being friends and sabotage for me.

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