On Mar 24, 9:34 pm, Justin Anderson <magouyaw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The main things people are complaining about are that the descriptions get
> edited and they essential have full control over price.

Personally, I rather prefer their descriptions of my apps to their
own. I can understand why one would get annoyed if the descriptions
started getting misleading, but there is no questions that they have
some good writers working on this.

As for their control of pricing, I am taking a wait and see approach
to this. Early on in the process, I had a sales rep from Amazon call
me trans-atlantic in order to resolve some of the issues I had with
their store (now THAT is what I call developer support); so I got the
full argument/spiel for their approach on the appstore. Essentially
what I felt the argument boiled down to is: Amazon knows how to sell
stuff (which involves things like handling pricing). You know how to
develop stuff. Let us each focus on our core competence.

To me, that is a rational and sound argument - assuming both sides are
interested in a win-win solution. I know I am no salesman. Any
opportunity also carries risks, and in this case I see no problem with
giving Amazon the chance to prove their ideas (and if I don't feel the
results are worth it, I'll simply pull my apps from their store in

That being said, there are many issues with their market still; the
releasing process has been mentioned (~2 weeks for approval is really
too long) and there are lots of other niggling issues (large and
small). The difference here is that if you send in some feedback/
questions/issues, you will in fact actually receive a non-automated
reply (at least that has been the case for me so far). The fact that
they actually appear to listen, gives me hope that many of these
issues will eventually get fixed and resolved.

In terms of adjusting the app for the market, it worked out fairly
easy for me simply by developing the core app as an Android library
and then building the market specific parts into separate projects.
Your mileage will vary, of course.


Michael A.

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