On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:18 PM, ivan <istas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I accidentally posted that last one before I was done.
> I have read copious posts on this, but no solution.  After using MAT
> extensively on a simple ApiDemo list view sample, I am ABSOLUTELY
> convinced that the ListView/ListActivity is leaking memory.  I say
> this because I can see every instance I've created persisting in
> memory -- regardless of forcing a garbage collection.  To repeat copy
> the code below into a project, create another simple Activity and go
> back and forth between the two a few times.  Then in DDMS force a GC
> and dump the heap hprof file.  Open the OQL tab in MAT and type the
> following query "select * from com.<package name>.TmpTestActivity" and
> run... you'll notice multiple instances of TmpTestActivity in memory.

Has onDestroy() been called on the "multiple instances of
TmpTestActivity in memory"?

If not, they are not leaked. Android just hasn't kicked them out of
RAM yet. That is perfectly normal behavior.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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