On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:35 PM, DanH <danhi...@ieee.org> wrote:
> Of course, hashing a password, per se, doesn't really make it any
> stronger.  And doing things like using a salt don't do much if the
> concern is simple trial-and-error cracking of a single encrypted
> message (unless you're relying on "security by obscurity").

If the attacker doesn't know that the key is derived from a password,
may be not. But since it's a reasonable assumption that they have
seen the application, which has an 'input password to encrypt message'
dialog, they probably do. And if so, it's trivial to take a dictionary and
compute all keys derivable from it. Then cracking the message becomes
really easy. Adding a salt and multiple iterations does make this
considerably more expensive/harder.

(BTW, the usual term is actually 'brute force attack', not 'trial-and-error'.)

> Iterating on an expensive hash can help discourage the trial-and-error
> cracking attack, but it can add considerable overhead to the normal
> path, and simply increasing the length of a weak password would be far
> more effective.

No. Increasing a *human selected* password from 6 to say 12 characters,
wouldn't really increase the entropy, people are just likely to pick a longer
word or append '123' to their usual password. Plus the overhead of deriving
a password is hardly 'considerable', especially considering that it will be
done only once on encryption/decryption.

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