No, he thinks he just wants a hash to construct a key from a password.

Probably, he just wants to encrypt / decrypt, in which case, your code is 
mostly adequate, except for a serious flaw, of a constant salt. A constant 
salt defeats the purpose; you can construct a perfectly fine dictionary of 
pre-computed keys for any fixed salt.

What you want to do is to generate a random salt, and prepend it to your 
encrypted result. Then to decrypt, extract it again, and use that for 
decryption. The reasons are laid out in the link you post in the next 

And don't use MD5. It may be "good enough", but there's really no reason to 
do so, because at least SHA-1 is available.

Anyway, he probably really just wants to encrypt and decrypt, and aside from 
the above flaws, you probably gave him just what he needs.

On Wednesday, May 11, 2011 12:09:16 AM UTC-7, Brill Pappin wrote:
> Arg, just reread your opost.
> All you want is a hash (as in a one way hash)?
> The "encryption decryption" confused me ;)
> SHA is likely adequate... simply do a google search for "java sha" and 
> you'll find a tone of examples on digesting a string... most of them will 
> work in Android.
> - Brill

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