I don't have direct physical access to an Xperia myself so i can't
comment on the button issues Robert discovered. It looks indeed as if
Sony was brewing their own special kind of "fragmentation". I have a
kind issue reporter that helps us test. That's of course a very
"remote" kind of debugging, but it's better than nothing.

whine, whine, whine :) i found a temporary workaround, but it's
fuglier and a tad bit slower than what we had previously. I basically
allocate my own pointer ids and associate them with the "real" pointer
ids as reported in the MotionEvents. This way i can guarantee our
semantics that go like "a finger going down on the screen will receive
the first free pointer id, where pointer id is in the range 0 to
#supportedfingers -1"

On 17 Mai, 00:56, MichaelEGR <foun...@egrsoftware.com> wrote:
> ugh!  Thanks for posting this message as this is a gnarly one and an
> example of ODM fragmentation if pointed IDs are not indexing correctly
> to the proper point data at least. I never was impressed by the
> multitouch API and always thought it wasn't thought out well and
> simply just tacked onto MotionEvent. Dirty as you say it is correct. I
> also wasn't pleased with the lack of documentation and unclear
> contract. Perhaps this lack of documentation led to this potential ODM
> fault. As for spurious ACTION_DOWN events this could be from varied
> quality of touchscreen hardware too.
> So from my reading of your post you are saying that pointer IDs are
> not recycled and that the data of subsequent pointer IDs is not
> correct at the specified array index?
> Not looking forward to coming up with a solution for my platform /
> middleware / custom event system and certainly am not excited if I
> need to buy an Experia Play just for this, but w/ talking with Robert
> G. it sounds like button support on this device is a bit wacky too. If
> I understand correctly button presses don't generate key events? Hrm;
> I hope that is not the case as I hate to have to waste $500+ to fix
> these kinds of issues. Likely I'll pick one up, fix the issues, then
> sell it.
> Regards,
> --Mike
> On May 16, 12:58 pm, Mario Zechner <badlogicga...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > A user reported an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException today in our multi-
> > touch handler. We store x/y/touchState on a per pointer id basis in an
> > array. Dirty? Yes, but it worked on all devices so far. Usually
> > pointer ids are handed out like this:

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