Yeah, that's more or less what I said first, and the "legs" comment
was just an aside.  To be successful as an independent developer,
selling your own stuff (even if you have Android and Amazon markets)
it a one in a million shot (literally).  To put food on the table and
the kids through college you should either work for some company or
work as a contractor for other companies.  (And for the latter you
need to be a pretty good salesman, with good people skills.)

On May 26, 12:12 pm, Kristopher Micinski <>
> I think one point still stands, however. If you're looking for a Career
> (I.e. need to support family, kids, on a regular basis) doing anything
> speculative will probably end up being harder (or perhaps more stressful)
> than working at a firm and making a solid ~70-100k a year. To duplicate that
> you'd need to make ~$6k a month from the Android marker. Obviously this
> isn't undoable, there are very talented people working very hard and doing
> this. But if I had to take my bet solely on what would be more stable income
> wise, I'd have to say working at a firm might be better.
> Now the exception: if you work developing multiple apps at once for several
> local companies you might be able to sustain this. I can imagine a local
> health care provider, cab coompany, etc would pay big bucks for applications
> that would make them more efficient or help them deliver better services,
> especially in mertopolitan areas. However, this is really more
> entreprenurship than some people like. Owning your own business like this
> takes time, and you don't spend nearly as much on development as if you work
> in a typical "9 to 5" software job (although those are becoming increasingly
> rare, schedules are flexible, and work isn't always at work....).
> So can you make money as an Android developer? Of course... if you work hard
> you can do a lot! But, is it as feasible or stable as a typical software dev
> job? That depends on the type of person you are (static, dynamic, dependent,
> universally quantified, etc...), your mileage may vary...
> Kris
> On May 26, 2011 12:04 PM, "niko20" <> wrote:
> I've been with Android since around April 2009. And I can tell you
> that the first year *was* painful. Especially the first six months
> (April to September ish). However, it has matured to totally awesome
> now. I mean c'mon, OpenGL ES 2.0, NDK C++ support including STL, this
> list of great things you can do now is long, and it keeps growing. I
> think the android team has responded well to challenges, such as the
> issues with apps on sdcard, and now the coming 2Gb download for market
> assets. They continue to improve. I also make good money right now
> from my apps. If you aren't willing to put in the time, then yes, you
> aren't going to get much back out. Simple as that. You've been in the
> industry too long pretty much. Time to let go of some things. 40+
> years of experience has made you stale, not "hey now I can predict the
> future". Nobody can predict the future, we work with what we have
> *right now*. Sounds to me like you are afraid to invest any time or
> energy into android. Well, that's your choice. Me, I think it's
> awesome that I can write apps that run on *my* phone. Before android
> such a thing was almost impossible for an indie developer to get into.
> -nik
> On May 25, 5:26 pm, Ali Chousein <> wrote:
> > Dan, you are looking from a very...

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