Hm sounds like a refresh rate issue, with Surface view you probably
can't sync to vertical refresh, so you get "tearing", where you see
halfway animations for a second as the video buffer changes over to
the next frame.


On Aug 5, 1:56 pm, Jeffrey <> wrote:
> I'm having an issue with drawing on my surface view. At one point I
> was just replacing images with new ones in a grid, but the images
> didn't all draw at the same time. I think that that may have had
> something to do with modifying the array that it was using to
> determine what to draw but I couldn't get it resolved even when
> pausing the drawing. Now I have images that drop down and new ones
> fall in (think slot machine reels) but the images will occasionally
> flicker with what the new image is going to be before the old images
> fall out.
> Basically I guess I'm asking what is a good way to either pause the
> onDraw command while I can edit my arrays and get them all in place or
> what is a good way to sync my array modifications to not take place
> during an onDraw cycle? Or is onDraw just bad at drawing images
> simultaneously and I should be using OpenGL or something?

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