On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 4:58 PM, Jean-Michel <jeanmichel.caz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I found out how to get my menu back (target a SDK below 11)

Your options menu, with targetSdkVersion="11" or higher, will be in
the action bar, on the right.

> but I
> have been Googling for last 3 hours in order to discover how to get a
> search button in the action bar and I failed...

You have two choices. One says you use android:showAsAction and
android:actionLayout in your options menu XML, so on tablets you can
have a search field in the action bar itself and on phones it will
appear as a regular options menu item. Or, use setCustomView() on
ActionBar to add a search field when you are on API Level 11 or
higher, and do something else for older devices.

> So to make sure things are in perspective:
> - I'd like to have the same code accross the board

By definition, that's not strictly possible. You can have one code
base that supports both search-in-action-bar and other affordances,
but you will need to have some action bar-specific stuff somewhere.

> - I am using search to trigger a custom  action in a custom activity
> (still like a search, but not really a search).


> - furthermore I am using long press on serach as well.


Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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