Yannick Stucki wrote:
> Yeah right, that's Apple propaganda if you ask me... Developers have 
> always been coding for different screen sizes and different 
> hardware... On a desktop you also don't know if someone has a webcam 
> if you are coding a chat programm or not... I see that it is a bit 
> more difficult on handsets...  but still, it's not like devs can write 
> apps that work on more than one device
> On Sun, Jan 4, 2009 at 10:53, Al Sutton <a...@funkyandroid.com 
> <mailto:a...@funkyandroid.com>> wrote:
>     One of the problems I can see with multiple platforms is app
>     incompatibilities.
>     With the iPhone app store when you buy an app you know the app will
>     work. With more Android devices coming out and the current state of
>     Market I'm concerned that users will end up buying apps which either
>     don't work on their screen resolution, or simply need features
>     that the
>     devices don't have.
>     Hopefully the powers that be have thought about this and have plans in
>     place already for more than just endorsed devices like the G1.
Other than screen resolution, I think there will be little to worry 
about as far as incompatibilities are concerned. Unless someone takes 
the underlying operating system and starts stripping out significant 
parts of it or adding  them, the OS itself will likely continue to 
function as we have gotten used to it. Likewise, the API and the actual 
apps we write will likely be immune to most of those changes. The SDK is 
based on Java for this reason: it's a cross platform language, and each 
application is in its own virtual machine. The features of the phones 
themselves obviously will change, but as the most significant features I 
can think of are internet access via Edge, wifi, or other means, and GPS 
are common in modern phones, I don't think we need to worry too much 
about them being present or not. From what I've seen (admittedly just a 
small amount at the moment), the API will let us know if the features 
aren't available for whatever reason.

Now, as for screen resolution, I presume that there's probably a part of 
the API that will tell you exactly what the resolution of the device is. 
I *presume* this because OpenGL drawing often depends on a view port 
size, which is often set to the full screen size. Also knowing some of 
the pasts of a few of Google's engineers, I know that they've most 
likely already thought of this, so I think that if your application is 
sensitive to the screen size (and orientation), chances are you can get 
this information from the API and use it to adjust your user interface 

Of course, I could be wrong... :-)


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