it's possible with the use of  the classloader.

add this method to your Activity

request the plugin information by an custom broadcast.
the plugin have to response and submit

   pluginapk = plugin_context.getPackageCodePath()
   canonnicalCalssName = plugin1.class.getCanonicalName()

use this Strings as loadPlugin args

        private Class<?> loadPlugin(String pluginapk, String
canonnicalCalssName) throws ClassNotFoundException {
                pluginapk += ":/data/app/"+this.getPackageCodePath(); // append 
own apk to the class path
                // get the lib path if you use jni
                String ldpath = "/data/data/" + canonnicalCalssName.substring(0,
canonnicalCalssName.lastIndexOf(".")) + "/lib";

                PathClassLoader cl = new PathClassLoader(pluginapk,
ldpath.toString(), ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
                return Class.forName(canonnicalCalssName, true, cl);

initialize the plugin class and make the best of it.

christoph polcin

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