
my app Make Your Clock Widget (https://market.android.com/details?
id=net.hubalek.android.makeyourclock.pro) is generating widget content
as custom drawn bitmap.

As you probably know there is (not specified in documentation but
existing) limit on size of bitmap sent via RemoteViews.

It was possible to live with it (I just didn't allow bigger widgets)
but with HD displays this stops working as even 4x2 widget contains
too big bitmap as 294 wide * 146 high * 1.6^2 (density of SGS display)
was bellow limit but 294 * 146 * 1.97^2 (density of Galaxy Nexus) is
above limit.

There exist following workarounds but I'm not happy with them:

1) Create bitmap with Config.ARGB_4444?This causes banding for
gradients and also antialiasing does not look superior. And also
Config.ARGB_4444 is deprecated.

2) Generate bitmap in lower resolution and let layout upscale bitmap
to appropriate size? This counteracts to idea of HD displays that
should provide superior graphics quality

3) Created content provider that provides bitmap for RemoveViews
bitmap and use method setImageViewUri()?

BTW: Splitting bitmap into multiple chunks does now work as
undocumented limit is for whole RemoteView update.

So my questions/conclusions:

1) What Google recommends to do?

-> Don't allow smaller widgets than 4x2 for HD displays?
-> Render them in poor quality?
-> Use content provider?

2) I'm really unhappy with widgets API and behavior

Why widget behavior didn't change since Android 1.5 when there was
single core/MDPI only devices. It reminds me Bill Gate's 640 kB or RAM
is enough :-/

Why I don't get any Exception when something fails? Why there is only
LogCat message that can't be handled correctly?

Why there is not meaningful documentation about setImageBitmap()
method limitations in JavaDoc?


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