My application crashes on the Samsung Galaxy Note, apparently due to
memory issues.  The weird part is that my app does not appear to be
using a particularly large amount of memory at the time of the crash.
However, according to the logs, the OS seems to think that memory is
running low and starts killing all active processes (including my
app).  I don't see this behavior on any other device I've tried (test
devices include: Acer Iconiatab, Samsung Galaxy Tab, Droid3 phone,
Nook color, LG Optimus V).

My suspicion is that this is related to the android build included on
the device, maybe it does something funky and wrong in handling low
memory situations.  Any ideas about what could cause this sort of
behavior, or suggestions about how I can rectify it?

The garbage collections log immediately prior to dying, shows moderate
memory usage (I know that these are from my app based on the PID):

    11-22 13:58:45.200: DEBUG/dalvikvm(31965): GC_CONCURRENT freed
1649K, 56% free 5042K/11335K, external 4791K/5982K, paused 1ms+5ms
    11-22 13:58:45.770: DEBUG/dalvikvm(31965): GC_CONCURRENT freed
2081K, 56% free 5009K/11335K, external 4791K/5982K, paused 2ms+4ms
    11-22 13:58:46.705: DEBUG/dalvikvm(31965): GC_CONCURRENT freed
1951K, 56% free 5044K/11335K, external 4791K/5982K, paused 2ms+4ms
    11-22 13:58:47.690: DEBUG/dalvikvm(31965): GC_CONCURRENT freed
2250K, 58% free 4842K/11335K, external 4791K/5982K, paused 2ms+4ms

And this is log the message from the os starts killing everything:

    11-22 13:58:45.175: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31915) has died.
    11-22 13:58:45.225: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 32069) has died.
    11-22 13:58:45.340: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 32078) has died.
    11-22 13:58:45.340: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:45.745: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:45.890: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 1, channel '40916e70 MYAPP (server)'
    11-22 13:58:45.890: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 1, channel 'PenGestureView (server)'
    11-22 13:58:46.365: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31611) has died.
    11-22 13:58:46.365: ERROR/InputDispatcher(2764): channel '409d9788
(server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.
    11-22 13:58:46.365: ERROR/InputDispatcher(2764): channel '409d9788
(server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
    11-22 13:58:46.365: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:46.370: INFO/WindowManager(2764): WIN DEATH:
Window{409d9788 paused=false}
    11-22 13:58:46.375: DEBUG/InputTransport(2764): Input channel
destroyed: name='409d9788 (server)', ashmemFd=17,
receivePipeFd=158, sendPipeFd=157
    11-22 13:58:46.375: INFO/WindowManager(2764): WIN DEATH:
Window{40a398d0 SurfaceView paused=false}
    11-22 13:58:47.010: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31765) has died.
    11-22 13:58:47.010: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.115: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31578) has
    11-22 13:58:47.120: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service in
    11-22 13:58:47.120: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.180: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31606) has died.
    11-22 13:58:47.180: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service
in 14940ms
    11-22 13:58:47.180: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.180: ERROR/WifiService(2764): Multicaster
    11-22 13:58:47.250: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:47.250: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:47.250: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:47.250: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:47.280: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31676) has died.
    11-22 13:58:47.280: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service in 24846ms
    11-22 13:58:47.280: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.370: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31698) has died.
    11-22 13:58:47.370: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service in 34750ms
    11-22 13:58:47.370: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.455: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31742) has died.
    11-22 13:58:47.455: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service in 44671ms
    11-22 13:58:47.455: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:47.490: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=0
    11-22 13:58:47.490: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 0, channel '40916e70 MYAPP(server)'
    11-22 13:58:47.490: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 0, channel 'PenGestureView (server)'
    11-22 13:58:47.490: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
    11-22 13:58:47.490: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 3->7|0
    11-22 13:58:47.490: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 32
    11-22 13:58:47.775: WARN/WifiStateTracker(2764): ------ msg.what
    11-22 13:58:47.860: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:48.370: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31652) has died.
    11-22 13:58:48.435: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service
in 53698ms
    11-22 13:58:48.445: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:49.510: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:49.890: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:50.135: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:50.160: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:50.240: DEBUG/LocationProviderProxy(2764):
    11-22 13:58:50.240: DEBUG/GeocoderProxy(2764):
onServiceDisconnected ComponentInfo{}
    11-22 13:58:50.595: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process (pid 31621) has died.
    11-22 13:58:50.785: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service in 61462ms
    11-22 13:58:50.790: WARN/ActivityManager(2764): Scheduling restart
of crashed service
in 71437ms
    11-22 13:58:50.825: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:50.965: WARN/WifiStateTracker(2764): ------ msg.what
    11-22 13:58:51.085: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:51.100: DEBUG/InputDispatcher(2764): findTouchedWindow
finished: injectionResult=-1, injectionPermission=1,
    11-22 13:58:51.450: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:51.700: DEBUG/CLIPBOARD(31965): Hide Clipboard dialog
at Starting input: finished by someone else... !
    11-22 13:58:51.705: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 1, channel 'PenGestureView (server)'
    11-22 13:58:51.925: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 3->7|0
    11-22 13:58:51.925: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 32
    11-22 13:58:51.980: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
    11-22 13:58:52.130: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:52.565: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:52.700: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 0, channel 'PenGestureView (server)'
    11-22 13:58:52.765: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:52.775: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:52.775: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:52.800: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:52.880: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=2
    11-22 13:58:53.345: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Start proc for service
pid=32167 uid=10073 gids={3003, 1015}
    11-22 13:58:53.360: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:53.635: VERBOSE/ThermistorObserver(2764):
mThermistorState =0, Thermistor temperature: 440
    11-22 13:58:53.870: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:54.100: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=2
    11-22 13:58:54.270: WARN/WifiStateTracker(2764): ------ msg.what
    11-22 13:58:54.450: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x3->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:54.455: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:54.790: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:55.035: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 0, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:55.160: INFO/InputReader(2764): dispatchTouch::touch
event's action is 1, pending(waiting finished signal)=1
    11-22 13:58:56.655: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Delivering touch
to current input target: action: 1, channel 'PenGestureView (server)'
    11-22 13:58:57.095: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 3->7|0
    11-22 13:58:57.100: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 32
    11-22 13:58:57.105: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
    11-22 13:58:57.290: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:57.290: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:57.290: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:57.555: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:59.685: WARN/WifiStateTracker(2764): ------ msg.what
    11-22 13:58:59.730: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Process MYAPP (pid
31965) has died.
    11-22 13:58:59.775: INFO/WindowManager(2764): WIN DEATH:
Window{40916e70 MYAPP paused=false}
    11-22 13:58:59.785: ERROR/InputDispatcher(2764): channel '40916e70
MYAPP (server)' ~ Consumer closed input channel or an error occurred.
    11-22 13:58:59.785: ERROR/InputDispatcher(2764): channel '40916e70
MYAPP (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be
    11-22 13:58:59.800: INFO/SurfaceFlinger(2764): id=601 Removed
MYAPP idx=1 Map Size=4
    11-22 13:58:59.805: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Dropping event
because there is no touched window or focused application.
    11-22 13:58:59.805: DEBUG/InputDispatcher(2764): findTouchedWindow
finished: injectionResult=2, injectionPermission=1,
    11-22 13:58:59.805: DEBUG/SurfaceFlinger(2764): remove count:1
destroying MYAPP
    11-22 13:58:59.845: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Dropping event
because there is no touched window or focused application.
    11-22 13:58:59.845: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 3->7|0
    11-22 13:58:59.845: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 32
    11-22 13:58:59.850: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
    11-22 13:58:59.850: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Dropping event
because there is no touched window or focused application.
    11-22 13:58:59.855: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:59.855: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Dropping event
because there is no touched window or focused application.
    11-22 13:58:59.855: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 1
    11-22 13:58:59.855: INFO/InputDispatcher(2764): Dropping event
because there is no touched window or focused application.
    11-22 13:58:59.855: ERROR/lights(2764): write_int: path /sys/
devices/virtual/misc/melfas_touchkey/brightness, value 2
    11-22 13:58:59.855: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:59.855: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:59.855: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:59.855: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x3->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:59.855: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 3->7|0
    11-22 13:58:59.855: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 32
    11-22 13:58:59.855: WARN/PowerManagerService(2764): Timer 0x7->0x3|
    11-22 13:58:59.855: INFO/PowerManagerService(2764): Ulight 7->3|0
    11-22 13:58:59.855: DEBUG/PowerManagerService(2764):
setLightBrightness : mButtonLight : 0
    11-22 13:58:59.865: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Start proc for activity pid=32174 uid=10015
gids={3003, 1015, 3002}
    11-22 13:58:59.865: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Low Memory: No
more background processes.
    11-22 13:58:59.885: INFO/Zygote(32174): Zygote: pid 32174 has CALL
PRIVILEGED permission, then set capability for CAP_SYS_ADMIN (21)
    11-22 13:58:59.900: INFO/OrientationDebug(2764): [pwm] in
    11-22 13:58:59.900: VERBOSE/OrientationDebug(2764): in
updateOrientationListenerLp(), Screen status=true, current
orientation=1, SensorEnabled=true
    11-22 13:58:59.900: INFO/OrientationDebug(2764): [pwm]
needSensorRunningLp(), return true #4
    11-22 13:58:59.900: ERROR/WindowManager(2764): rotation is : 0
    11-22 13:58:59.995: ERROR/AlarmManagerService(2764):
android_server_AlarmManagerService_set to type=1, 1322049600.000000000
    11-22 13:58:59.995: VERBOSE/AlarmManager(2764): sending alarm
Alarm{4087e470 type 1 android}
    11-22 13:59:00.000: ERROR/AlarmManagerService(2764):
android_server_AlarmManagerService_set to type=1, 1321970400.000000000
    11-22 13:59:00.000: VERBOSE/AlarmManager(2764): Adding alarm
Alarm{40514880 type 1 android} at 0
    11-22 13:59:00.030: INFO/ActivityThread(32174): Pub
    11-22 13:59:00.150: INFO/lcdtest(32174): MODEL : GT-N7000
    11-22 13:59:00.150: INFO/lcdtest(32174): Default setting
    11-22 13:59:00.150: INFO/lcdtest(32174): Unknown MODEL : GT-N7000
    11-22 13:59:00.225: INFO/Launcher(32174): Launcher created:
    11-22 13:59:00.235: INFO/Launcher(32174): onCreate. Launcher:
405373c8, mDestroyed: false
    11-22 13:59:00.245: INFO/Launcher(32174): onCreate():  product
model family:Q1 product model : xx-xxxx
    11-22 13:59:00.345: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Start proc for content provider pid=32182
uid=10061 gids={3003, 1015, 2001, 1007}
    11-22 13:59:00.385: DEBUG/Launcher(32174): It's image wallpaper.
    11-22 13:59:00.465: INFO/ActivityThread(32182): Pub
    11-22 13:59:00.505: INFO/ActivityThread(32182): Pub
    11-22 13:59:00.595: INFO/ActivityThread(32182): Pub
    11-22 13:59:00.600: INFO/GservicesProvider(32182): Gservices
pushing to system: true; secure: true
    11-22 13:59:00.600: INFO/ActivityThread(32182): Pub
    11-22 13:59:00.665: DEBUG/NlpVersionInfo(32167): not found
    11-22 13:59:00.685: DEBUG/SyncManager(2764):
setSyncAutomatically: , provider subscribedfeeds -> true
    11-22 13:59:00.685: DEBUG/SyncManager(2764): setSyncAutomatically:
already set to true, doing nothing
    11-22 13:59:01.280: DEBUG/GLSurfaceViewGroup(32174): setting 8888
buffer for live wallpaper
    11-22 13:59:01.290: ERROR/(32174): About to try to load SceneGraph
    11-22 13:59:01.290: ERROR/(32174): SceneGraph_nativeClassInit
    11-22 13:59:01.295: INFO/GLThread(32174): starting tid=10
    11-22 13:59:01.295: INFO/GLThread(32174): noticed surfaceView
surface lost tid=10
    11-22 13:59:01.305: INFO/DebugFolder(32174): Setting folder model
to in mode 0
    11-22 13:59:01.305: INFO/DebugFolder(32174): Set Folder Model
Dumping Added
    11-22 13:59:01.305: INFO/DebugFolder(32174): Set Folder Model
Dumping Deleted
    11-22 13:59:01.305: INFO/DebugFolder(32174): Set Folder Model
Dumping Current
    11-22 13:59:01.305: INFO/DebugFolder(32174): Set Folder Model
Dumping Special
    11-22 13:59:01.315: DEBUG/Launcher(32174): startLoaders. Launcher:
    11-22 13:59:01.330: INFO/Database(32174): sqlite returned: error
code = 0, msg = Recovered 6 frames from WAL file /data/data/
    11-22 13:59:01.340: DEBUG/Launcher.LauncherModel(32174):
    11-22 13:59:01.400: INFO/ActivityManager(2764): Start proc for content provider pid=32193 uid=10105

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