Stoyan Damov wrote:
> Does anyone know what's the *FREE* internal memory initially when you
> get the phone?
> I've heard ~70MB, ~96MB, etc. 


> Apparently not for me, it appears that I have 9MB!

Perhaps now. Most likely, you had ~70MB when you got the phone.

> This is getting ridiculous, I've cleared the browser's cache and got
> 2MB back, I have only *ONE* application installed which takes 2MB

If you go into Manage Applications and you have only one item listed,
your phone is probably messed up, and I would recommend a reset. The
device comes with dozens of apps installed, some of which (AFAIK) are
not removable.

> and I have just 7MB of free memory.

So, free up some memory.

For example, on my G1, as I type this, I have 35MB of internal phone
storage available.

I then go into Settings > Applications > Manage Applications and sort
the results by size descending via the option menu.

The top entry is Android Market, at 14MB. There is a known bug in the
Android Market where it does not clear its cache proactively. But, it
will flush the cache when it is needed, so I effectively have closer to
49MB available. There are enough posts from enough people that I feel
reasonably comfortable that most of that space will be reclaimed if/when
I need it.

#2 entry is the Browser. I go in, click Clear Data, and the app falls
somewhere way down the list, and my listed available space is 45MB (plus
the 14MB or so that will get freed up by Android Market when needed).

Lather, rinse, repeat.

If the rough total of space reported by the Manage Applications list,
plus the amount of reported free storage space, does not add up to
anything near ~70MB, then something on your device is leaking storage,
and I would recommend a reset.

> This is serious, if I got to this situation there's a possibility that
> other users will hit that too, and these won't be developers.

Which is why there have been discussions on various approaches for
installing apps on SD cards, to support manufacturers (like, apparently,
HTC) who skimp on the on-board flash. The fact that HTC did this is not
the fault of the core Android team, as Android is licensed as open
source, so HTC can do what it damn well feels like. If you want to
grouse about the ~70MB of free on-device storage space, please grouse in
HTC's general direction.

> I *SO* regret installing the over-the-air patch, which removed root
> access :(((((((

Which would not have helped you one bit.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
_The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 2.0 Available!

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