momo wrote:
> I'm working on a custom tween effect targeting Android 2.2.  This is
> not a straight View animation (many things are happening based on the
> progress of the tween), so the Animation classes available in 2.2
> aren't sufficient (apparently Animator does this but is not
> available).
> I've implemented the basic logic (porting JS and AS tweening engines
> I'd written earlier), and it seems to work fine, but is a little
> slow.  For example, running an interval of 25ms in JS or AS produces a
> smooth visual effect, but seems "chunky" in the Android implementation
> - reducing the interval to 10ms seemed to help some but it certainly
> isn't as smooth as the built-in animations.
> I'm using Timer and Timer task - I've read that
> ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor is "preferred" but from what I've read the
> advantages seem to be more to do with exception handling and multiple
> tasks (I'll only ever have the one tween running).
> Is Timer particularly slow?  If ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor more
> efficient?  Is there another, better alternative that I'm not aware
> of?

sure, don't use Timers, use Handler/Message instead


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