Spot on.  Games can generally get away with having the same interface on 
every platform as it's forgiveable for a game to have an entirely custom 
interface.  With apps I get very frustrated as a user when the decision has 
been taken to create a consistent interface for their app across platforms 
rather than just keeping consistent functionality and making sure the 
interface matches the platform.

On Monday, March 12, 2012 9:19:11 AM UTC, Josh Brown wrote:
> Additionally, you will never fully get the "feel" of a truly native app. 
>  Keep in mind that the two platforms are very different even ignoring the 
> different programming languages and APIs they use.  Their whole design 
> language is different.  iOS tends to use tabular navigation heavily whereas 
> Android uses more dashboards.  iOS tabs are typically on the bottom, 
> Android's are on the top.  Horizontal swipe gestures are much more common 
> on Android.  

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