On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 6:42 AM, btai...@gmail.com <btai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I've faced problem that animation of view is too slow and with Galaxy
> Note which has 1280x800 and 320dpi display.
> Actually, I use ScaleAnimation and TransAnimation with RelativeLayout
> in code and  I'm pretty sure that code is not incorrect. Size of Image
> animated is 67.5 kb.

That is the size on disk, I presume. Bear in mind that the image is a
fair bit larger in memory. And, more importantly, it is the resolution
of the image that will drive performance with respect to animating it,
not the file size.

> I just guess the reason to cause the slow is that devices with high
> resolution are slow because they have to make up high quaility UI
> suitable for them.

That is certainly a guess. You might consider using Traceview to try
to determine exactly where the problem is. For example, if Android is
rescaling the image, that might have an impact on its animation

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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