Thanks Mark, 

BTW, I love the Commonsware book series, I use them all the time.  

I have a somewhat unrelated question, but depending on the answer, I think 
it might provide another solution to this problem.  

How are ContextMenus and Dialogs displayed on the screen.  They seem to 
live outside any ViewGroup, and are attached to the Window instead. What if 
the Events sit above the ListItems, in the same way that a context menu 

I'm going to go through the example ios scheduler app and see how it's done 

Thank you, 

 Thursday, May 3, 2012 9:47:41 AM UTC-4, Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) wrote:
> On Thu, May 3, 2012 at 9:40 AM, duadinam <> 
> wrote: 
> > 1) If each hour slot is a single row in a ListView, how do you create 
> events 
> > that cross rows?  It seems you would have to have views that belong to 
> two 
> > parents, which doesn't seem possible. 
> That's not necessarily the case. You could have several rows that look 
> like they form one contiguous "event" (e.g., colored bubble), even 
> though they are composed of multiple row views. You would have four 
> basic row styles for rows with an event: 
> - One where the entire event fits in the row (whole bubble) 
> - One where the row is the beginning of the event (top of the bubble) 
> - One where the row is the end of the event (bottom of the bubble) 
> - One where the row is in the middle of the event 
> So long as the widths and colors and such are set up properly, the 
> user will see one tall bubble instead of perceiving distinct rows. 
> > 2) Along the same line, how would you create 2 events in a one-hour 
> slot? 
> >  Can you populate one row in a ListView with two items? 
> You can make a single ListView row be as complicated as you wish. 
> However, from the standpoint of the Adapter, you cannot have two 
> adapter positions in one row of a ListView. So, you would not have an 
> EventsAdapter, but an HoursAdapter. You would need that anyway, to 
> handle hours without any events. 
> > Any suggestions or ideas? 
> Port the iosched timeline to a standalone component and use that: 
> -- 
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy) 
> | 
> | 
> Android Training...At Your Office: 

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