I have 3 buttons at start. when u press on one of those buttons, it put 
layout properties on gone or viewable.

I end up with a tree of 3 columns, with approximatively 40 to 50 buttons. 
First, i think this isnt good. wich tools can i use to manage so many 
choices ?

Second, the final buttons (those on the right layout) show an imageview. I 
used android - passing variable from intent extra to 

I don't want too many layouts and/or activity,nor too much intent. The 
thing is this routine appears slower than expected with 30 "case" and "else 
if". And last but not least the app crash on 4.0.3 phones and AVD and is 
slow on 2.3 phones and AVD.

Could someone give me some hints to program this better? Thanks.

PS : could SimpleExpandableListAdapter be a good solution ? If it is how 
should i do to launch the image ? Or keep the same code but i'd like to 
stock the link between images and butons into an array. Good solution ? 

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