Thank you again, Mark.

You say that "No device that legitimately has the Google Play Store on
it will ship
with less than 1GB of external storage -- it's a requirement."

This is getting interesting.

I checked on a new HTC One V.

There the Environment method getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()
returns "/mnt/sdcard", which cannot be used for anything. Trying to
write there fails.
The external memory is also reported as unmounted.

There IS about 1 GB memory however - at "/mnt/emmc", (which is
writeable) but that directory is NOT returned by any of the
Environment methods. This seems to be the required "external" memory
that you are referring to, but HOW does an app get to know that?

Regards, Terry

On 16 Jun, 17:43, Mark Murphy <> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 16, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Terry <> wrote:
> > Even if a new device is sold without an sdcard, we would still like
> > our apps to work.
> No device that legitimately has the Google Play Store on it will ship
> with less than 1GB of external storage -- it's a requirement.
> > So; if a device does not have an sdcard, WHERE would you recommend to
> > store data (e.g. picture files)?
> Probably you don't store picture files, any more than you would store
> picture files on a computer lacking any sort of hard drive. In a
> pinch, you can store them on internal storage, but, again, for the
> devices you are worried about, internal storage is at a premium.
> Please note that a significant percentage -- probably a majority at
> this point -- have external storage as part of on-board flash, which
> cannot be removed (though, on Android 1.x/2x, may be unavailable if it
> has been mounted on a host machine). Also, please note that the space
> distinction between internal storage and external storage, and the
> external-storage-not-available-when-mounted, issues are mostly cleared
> up as of Android 3.0.
> > HOW do you get the preferred directory in internal storage?
> There is no "preferred directory", insofar as the "preferred
> directory" concept implies that the user has access to the files, and
> they don't have access to internal storage except via your app (or
> except via rooting their phone). You get your internal files directory
> via a call to getFilesDir() on any Context.
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons 
> Guy)||
> _The Busy Coder's Guide to Android Development_ Version 3.7 Available!

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