On Sun, Jun 17, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Terry <terb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> WIth an SDcard inserted, I tried to download a free ebook. That went
> well.

And the file wound up where? /mnt/sdcard? You said that did not work
("which cannot be used for anything. Trying to
write there fails.")

> However, if I use the built in camera (without an SDcard), it saves
> pictures at /mnt/emmc/DCIM/100MEDIA.

Alternative storage points are available to firmware apps from the
device manufacturer that wrote the firmware apps and built the device.
This appears to generally be used for stuff like the camera, where the
images are then surfaced through MediaStore, and you access them that

> I.e. It seems that the camera app knowns about the piculiarities re
> the internal/external storage of this device.

Of course. HTC wrote the camera app, and HTC built the device. Device
manufacturers always have access to things that are beyond the SDK.

Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
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