bob wrote:
> The problems with the code appear to be twofold:
> 1.  The comparison of the username and password is case-sensitive, which 
> it probably shouldn't be (*maybe* for password, probably not for username)

That's not true. Usernames are often and commonly case sensitive. Passwords 
most certainly should be case sensitive! 
Ignore this advice.

It's up to the application whether usernames or passwords should be case 
sensitive, though 
it is often to be preferred. You can't tell the OP that this is a problem 
because obviously it 
conforms to their requirement.

> 2.  The passwords are stored insecurely in the database, whereas an MD5 
hash would be preferred.

You speak of security after recommending case-insensitive passwords? Make 
up your mind!

Insecure storage might suffice on device. Physical security of the device 
is far more an issue.

Even if the passwords were stored by your standard of "security", having 
the device 

in your hand means you have access to the functionality protected by the 

How much hashing the password will help is debatable. Probably still a good 

but hardly a major problem with the OP's code at this stage.



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