> You should set the result when your child activity is about to exit -
> for example I set the result from my child activity when a button is
> clicked and just before exiting it, e.g.:
> // in a button click handler
> setResult(...);
> finish();

This is the way they do it in the samples, but it makes not much sense
- I don't want to have an "exit" or "save" button; users should be
able to hit "back" (listening for "back" is my current workaround, but
it will probably fail under certain circumstances).

> The documentation for Activity mentions that "When an activity exits,
> it can call setResult(int)  to return data back to its parent."

Yes - it says so. But it doesn't say WHEN - this is my problem; I
don't know when to setResult efficiently: onPause() doesn't work,
onSaveInstanceState() doesn't work; listening for "back" ain't
failproof; listening for data changes is ineffective. *sigh*

> When you're getting a NPE what does you stacktrace look like?

Nevermind the NPE - it comes from RESULT_CANCELLED and Intent.getExtras
() returning null.

> btw, you shouldn't assume that the parent activity will outlive the
> child one - that is, the fact that your parent activity has spawned
> another one for result doesn't mean it won't be destroyed should the
> system need to destroy it because it's not in the foreground.

Yes, I don't.

On Mar 4, 1:58 pm, Stoyan Damov <stoyan.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 2:41 PM, Chronos <g358279012044...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Thanks for the idea - but this is not my problem: the result sent is
> > the result I set in the onCreate method (a default result); if I fail
> > to do this, I will get a java.lang.NullPointerException, which
> > underlines my point - setResult() in onPause() is too late; my
> > activity is not cancelled either - I always get an Activity.RESULT_OK.
> You should set the result when your child activity is about to exit -
> for example I set the result from my child activity when a button is
> clicked and just before exiting it, e.g.:
> // in a button click handler
> setResult(...);
> finish();
> The documentation for Activity mentions that "When an activity exits,
> it can call setResult(int)  to return data back to its parent."
> When you're getting a NPE what does you stacktrace look like?
> > Do you think, onPause() is the correct point to setResult() ? It seems
> > to me, that the result has already been transmitted in some
> > communication queue at this point - all calls to setResult() are in
> > vain.
> btw, you shouldn't assume that the parent activity will outlive the
> child one - that is, the fact that your parent activity has spawned
> another one for result doesn't mean it won't be destroyed should the
> system need to destroy it because it's not in the foreground.
> > On Mar 4, 12:39 pm, Stoyan Damov <stoyan.da...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Actually read 
> >> carefullyhttp://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#star...)
> >> On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 1:31 PM, Stoyan Damov <stoyan.da...@gmail.com> 
> >> wrote:
> >> > Re:
> >> > - setResult() in client.onPause() is called TOO LATE; the result has
> >> > already been transmitted to the parent (although the method
> >> > client.onPause() seems to be called in time).
> >> > If the result has been already set, this means that the result value
> >> > is CANCELLED immediately after your child activity started.
> >> > Read carefully about the launchMode property -
> >> >http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.h...
> >> > Cheers
> >> > On Wed, Mar 4, 2009 at 12:59 PM,Chronos<g358279012044...@gmail.com> 
> >> > wrote:
> >> >> Hello there ;)
> >> >> I have some - maybe simple - problem; unfortunately I cannot find a
> >> >> solution:
> >> >> I have two activities which communicate via: startActivityForResult(),
> >> >> setResult(), onActivityResult. I will call the first activity "parent"
> >> >> and the second one "client", although this may not be technically
> >> >> correct; so the order of calls must be:
> >> >> parent.startActivityForResult()
> >> >> client.setResult()
> >> >> parent.onActivityResult()
> >> >> Now, where should I call setResult in the client activity ?
> >> >> I have already tried various possibilities which have all failed:
> >> >>  - setResult() in client.onPause() is called TOO LATE; the result has
> >> >> already been transmitted to the parent (although the method
> >> >> client.onPause() seems to be called in time).
> >> >>  - client.onSaveInstanceState() is not guaranteed to be called at all
> >> >> (and the documentation hints at the same timing problem).
> >> >>  - The only TECHNICALLY POSSIBLE solution seems to implement a change-
> >> >> listener for any screen element and set the result there. This may
> >> >> work in theory, but is NOT VIABLE in practice: (1) it is strenuous and
> >> >> error-prone for activities with many elements; (2) it gets even more
> >> >> complicated, when side-effects kick in (change one field in dependency
> >> >> to another); (3) it is really slow, since one must write ALL contents
> >> >> any time, a SINGLE element changes (and the generic Intent
> >> >> communication is already slow by design).
> >> >> To me, it would seem most natural to overload the onPause() method and
> >> >> setResult() there - once and for all. There MUST be some easier way
> >> >> than implementing zounds of listeners ...
> >> >> Am I overlooking something ? Another listener I haven't stumbled over
> >> >> yet ? Please prove me wrong ;)
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