Have you confirmed yourself on a G1 that after multiple 'phone resets 
and comments/ratings they all stay in the market for more than 48 hours?

I'd be surprised if there wasn't a filtering mechanism which looked for 
multiple comments/ratings from the same 'phone which ran (possibly as a 
daily batch job).


AE wrote:
> Hi,
> It is my understanding that the "popularity index" uses several
> parameters to such as rating, comments (not directly but indirectly),
> number of downloads, active install, total install, installs from
> regular users, install from dev phones, age of the app, number of
> phone sales in a region, etc,etc -- there is probably 500 elements
> that are in the works! And rightfully so Google doesn't want folks to
> game the system.
> Now what I like to stress here is the following -- the 3 key element
> that is presented to users prior to download is number of downloads,
> rating, comments. No matter how much we argue at the end of day -- the
> users makes his/her decision "somewhat" based on the above 3
> parameters. Interestingly all of the above parameters can be
> manipulated by doing the following.
> a. Download the app - rank and comment
> b. Reset your phone - Create new user
> c. Repeat A
> And if you get say 5 college kid doing the above.. bingo you can
> always make sure that visible  3 comments are clean and positive --
> you can also use those comments as a megaphone to tell the users --
> what more can your app do -- beside the 325 char description , you
> keep your rating stable at 4.7/4.6 (so you don't look to greedy) and
> your number of downloads are increasing. Not only that while you are
> at it you might as well go ahead and make lower rating and ugly
> comments to competitors app -- and you make sure you uninstall
> competitors app, where as you don't uninstall your app -- you just hit
> for the "hard reset" -- because you send the signal -- that the phone
> might be off -- rinse and repeat!!! Yes very true this will not
> increase your popularity but slowly and surely by doing so you can
> only go up cos if all of the ranking elements produce "X" and the
> above 3 elements say produce "Y" -- no matter how insignificant these
> 3 parameter is -- you are on the positive -- never the less you have a
> propaganda megaphone to the users who download your apps. In every
> damn category all the top 20 - 30 apps stays the same, I have not seen
> them moving out of that space !!
> I am complete disgusted by the above, I worked hard to develop my app,
> I used the SDK so I can take advantage of all the phone features and I
> am honest and what it gets me -- nada! So why should I develop app --
> what incentive does it provide me if I don't have the money power to
> buy my friends 5-10 G1 to game the system!!
> I have couple of ideas to the above problem - and I am sure there are
> many here who has even better idea then i list below --
> 1. Rating from the "new" users i.e. created on the fly users -- should
> be separated from the users who are verified i.e. been using google
> for a while and have a history, so I propose 2 ratings rather then one
> - why - it should be transparent to the end consumer (No propaganda
> megaphone) -- how you use to evaluate popularity -- not my business
> and its googles secret.
> 2. Comments should have added "star" or colors to identify also the
> user has no history with google i.e. Amazon's "REAL NAME". Again
> transparent to end consumer
> Yes, I do want to have "real users comments" and their "ratings" and
> show the world "total downloads" -- it just helps me improve my app.
> But we need a fair playing field that's my request. I am sure many of
> you know the above -- at least its a open secret! Now everyone can
> play the game!!
> I look forward to constructive replies/solutions and hear your views.
> >


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