That explains it. I use maps. I tried to force loading the maps
library using ClassLoader this morning - to no avail, as I figured
anyway. Is there a (known) workaround?
My perspective... 1.5 OTA update (T-Mobile) hasn't even hit my G1 yet
and hopefully I don't have to bank on a future OTA update after that
one. Could be months...

On May 18, 10:16 pm, Dianne Hackborn <> wrote:
> If you are using additional libraries (with uses-library) be aware that
> there is a bug in 1.5 where an app using a widget can have its process
> launched without those libraries being loaded.
> On Mon, May 18, 2009 at 10:13 PM, JP <> wrote:
> > I am working my way through oh my first widget (so this is 1.5,
> > obviously) and I'm stuck. I've poked around a problem involving the
> > launch of an Activity when clicking on a widget. Scenario: User drags
> > widget on home screen without prior launch of the Activity in
> > question. I am following this post:
> >
> > Instead of launching the browser through ACTION_VIEW, I am trying to
> > launch an Activity by class. I've toyed around with different Intent
> > settings, but no luck.
> > The following snipped shows the launch log
> > <------------------ Sanitized log launching Activity
> > ---------------------->
> > 05-19 04:28:56.173: INFO/ActivityManager(571): Starting activity:
> > Intent { action=android.intent.action.MAIN categories=
> > {android.intent.category.LAUNCHER} flags=0x10200000 comp=
> > {com.mycompany.myapp/com.mycompany.myapp.MainClass} }
> > <------------------ Sanitized log ---------------------->
> > This is identical to a regular launch from the home screen. Below the
> > code that I use to launch the Activity:
> > <------------------ Sanitized code snipped from class that extends
> > AppWidgetProvider (MyWidgetProvider) ------->
> > @Override
> > public void onUpdate(Context context, AppWidgetManager
> > appWidgetManager, int[] appWidgetIds) {
> >        super.onUpdate(context, appWidgetManager, appWidgetIds);
> >        Intent defineIntent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN);
> >        defineIntent.setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK +
> >        defineIntent.addCategory("android.intent.category.LAUNCHER");
> >        defineIntent.setClassName(context, "com.mycompany.myapp.MainClass");
> >        PendingIntent pendingIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity
> > (context,
> >               0 , defineIntent, 0);
> >        updateViews.setOnClickPendingIntent(,
> > pendingIntent);
> >        // Push updates to the home screen
> >        ComponentName thisWidget = new ComponentName(context,
> > MyWidgetProvider.class);
> >        AppWidgetManager manager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance
> > (context);
> >        manager.updateAppWidget(thisWidget, updateViews);
> > }
> > <------------------ Sanitized code snipped ------->
> > Here's what happens (I test emulator only at this point): Upon the
> > first click, the Activity crashes. Dialog box: "Sorry! The application
> > MyApp (process (com.mycompany.myapp) has stopped unexpectedly. Please
> > try again."
> > With the second tap on the widget, the Activity launches. So I assume
> > I've got the correct intent filter settings. Below the log following
> > the first tap:
> > <---------------- Sanitized class not found log ----------------->
> > 05-19 05:03:25.897: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688): Uncaught handler:
> > thread main exiting due to uncaught exception
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):
> > java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity
> > ComponentInfo{com.mycompany.myapp/com.mycompany.myapp.MainClass}:
> > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mycompany.myapp.MainClassin
> > loader dalvik.system.pathclassloa...@43594610
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 2194)
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 2284)
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >$1800(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >$H.handleMessage(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > android.os.Looper.loop(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invokeNative(Native Method)
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >$
> > (
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > dalvik.system.NativeStart.main(Native Method)
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688): Caused by:
> > java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mycompany.myapp.MainClassin
> > loader dalvik.system.pathclassloa...@43594610
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > dalvik.system.PathClassLoader.findClass(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> > java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     at
> >
> > 2186)
> > 05-19 05:03:25.996: ERROR/AndroidRuntime(688):     ... 11 more
> > <---------------- Sanitized class not found log ----------------->
> > After trying different configurations I've run out of ideas. Thanks in
> > advance for your help!
> --
> Dianne Hackborn
> Android framework engineer
> Note: please don't send private questions to me, as I don't have time to
> provide private support, and so won't reply to such e-mails.  All such
> questions should be posted on public forums, where I and others can see and
> answer them.
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