This site is using the same infrastructure as the Android Market and shares
a unified namespace, primarily to avoid "squatting" issues.  That is, we
want to make sure that if a developer submits an app via ADC2 that an evil
third party could not come along and put an app with the same package up on
the Market, before the legitimate developer could do so.  This would be more
of an issue for users than the developer, but it's a case we wanted to
Thus, we are using a unified namespace with the Market.  While this does
mean a package rename in the future (and means a package rename today if you
want to submit an app published on Market after 1 August for ADC2), we
judged the inconvenience to be worth it to prevent that particular issue.

- Dan

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 10:36 AM, Mark Murphy <>wrote:

> > The submission site for ADC 2 is now live! For full details, see our
> > blog post:
> >
> >
> Great!
> I am concerned about the following quote from that blog post:
> "As a final note, if you've uploaded a version of your app to Android
> Market, you'll need to use a different Android package name for the
> version you submit to the Challenge."
> Will the ADC2 app be used, by anyone, outside of the ADC2 judging process?
> In other words, will developers have upgrade issues due to having the same
> app published under two package names? For example, if ADC2 basically
> means authors have to commit to supporting the ADC2 package name
> indefinitely, or run the risk of cutting off a chunk of their user base,
> that is not something to be taken lightly.
> Can we get a bit of clarification on this point?
> Thanks!
> --
> Mark Murphy (a Commons Guy)
> Android App Developer Books:
> >

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